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Cancer Fighting Juicing Recipes

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Fruit juices can also prevent cancer or even help fight cancer once a diagnosis is made. The American Institute For Cancer Research recommends the following raw fruits to aid in the fight against cancer.
Purple Grapes
Both grapes and juice of grapes including the skin are excellent sources of resveratrol, which is a phytochemical from a group of phytochemicals known as polyphenols.
Numerous studies have suggested that polyphenols and especially resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that in lab studies has prevented particular damage known to trigger the cancer process in tissues, cells, and animal models.

How To Use In Juicing
Make sure to juice the whole grape, as the skin holds much of the resveratrol. Blend with vegetables for a powerful healthy juice.

Contain cancer fighting phytochemicals, ellagic acid, and anthocyanins. The Institute reports that cell studies of these compounds showed these nutrients to decrease the growth of cancer cells and also to stimulate self-destruction of breast, prostate, mouth, and, colon cancer cells. Centrifugal juicers cannot juice berries and grapes, but masticating and singer-auger juicers can.
How To Use In Juicing
To use blueberries it is best to blend them, then strain over a bowl with a spout (for easier pouring) to remove the pulp, or better yet leave the pulp and pour the juice and pulp into your main juice, like a blend of kale and other greens. This results in a type of smoothie juice blend.

Watermelon has loads of lycopene, one of the more potent antioxidant shown in research to protect against prostate cancer.
Watermelon is also one of the best fruits for weight control as it really satisfies the sweet tooth with just 49 calories per 2 cup serving.
Since it is one of the lower sugar fruits, it is ideal for juicing and juices quite well.
How To Use In Juicing
Juicing watermelon depends on your juicer model; check the manual to see how much prep is required, for example if the skin should be removed.

The peach gets is bright orange color from beta-carotene that helps to reduce inflammation, protect DNA, boost immunity function and plays a key role in controlling cell growth in a way that reduces risks for cancer.

Strawberries contain ellagic acid, a key phytochemical in decreasing growth of cancer cells and stimulating soft-destruction of cancer cells, such as those in the breast, colon, prostate and mouth.
Furthermore, studies have shown that ellagic acid uses several different cancer-fighting methods simultaneously, as it acts as an antioxidant, slows reproduction of cancer cells, and supports the body in deactivating specific carcinogens.
How To Use In Juicing
Strawberries are more difficult to juice, depending on the model of your juicer. If you have a smoothie maker you can use that or mash them up and add them in after your main juice is ready; this also allows you to get more fiber intake from these healthy berries. A food processor or blender works great too. Strawberries go great with a kale, broccoli, and spinach or any greens.

Apples contain potent phytochemicals that protect cells from cancer-inducing oxidative damage.
According to the American Institute For Cancer Research, apples can help prevent the start of cancer growth, stop continued tumor growth, and promote cancer cell death.
Laboratory studies conducted by Dr. Rui Hai Liu showed the phytochemicals in apples to suppress breast cancer tumor growth.
The Institute recommends eating one or more apples per day as it is associated with lower risks for both colon and lung cancer in numerous large-scale human studies that evaluated apple consumption and cancer incidence.
How To Use In Juicing
Apples juice great and are a fantastic complimentary flavor to many vegetables. Check your juicer’s manual on necessary prep required as they do vary, for example, some allow you to add a whole apple down the feed chute, while others require cutting.
Choose green apples, as they are lowest in sugar.

One of the best dietary sources of lycopene, a carotenoid that plays a key role in cancer prevention and was found to stop endometrial cancer (causes almost 8,000 deaths each year) cell growth in a study in Nutrition and Cancer.
How To Use In Juicing
Juice your own tomatoes for a refreshing, healthy and tangy juice treat! Add garlic to tomato juice, it is a fantastic combination.

Flavor Enhancers For Juice
 Lemons and limes are great additions to your juice blends as they add fresh and tangy flavor and enhance the flavor of green vegetables, especially for those who do not find them palatable.
 Hot peppers can be juiced if you like spicy flavor.
 Fresh mint is a wonderful flavor for most any juice blend.
 You can stir in any spice you like once your juice is ready.
 Many herbs, like basil, and oregano can be juiced to get flavor and their respective health benefits.
 Add ice to make a more cool and refreshing drink.
 Some juicers allow you to make frozen drinks, a great idea for summer.
 Look up recipes online or in books to add variety to your juicing habit.
 Experiment with different fruits and vegetables to find you favorite blends. This is key is sticking with this healthy new habit!
Watch The Sugar Intake
Approximately 88% or more of all your juice blends should be vegetables, and 20% or less fruit.
Generally, best juicing practices prescribe the use of more vegetables than fruits as fruit is high in sugar.
Since it takes much more of the fruit to juice as it would if you were eating fruit whole, those who get into the habit of juicing more fruit than vegetables can easily triple or quadruple the recommended daily sugar intake for adults, not to mention calories with just one glass of juice.

Juicing When You Already Have Cancer
As part of your cancer fighting juicing diet, you should not eat any poultry, fish, meat, or dairy products. Cooked foods such as these prevent the immune system from maximally fighting off cancer cells. Instead, the immune system must spend its time dealing with the effects of cooked foods, pesticides, chemical supplements, fungicides, herbicides, toxins, and the hormones found in meat and dairy products. This prevents the immune system from fighting off cancer cells. Of course, you should consult with your doctor before making any dietary changes.
Don’t eat a lot of fruits or vegetables that contain a lot of sugar unless they are one of the cancer fighting fruits and vegetables listed above. Carrot juice, for example, has a lot of sugar in it that is easily taken up by cancer cells. Along with the sugar, the cancer cells take up the cancer fighting nutrients from the carrots and are killed by the nutrients.
Juicing can be beneficial as a way to combat cancer when you already have the disease. When you are being treated for cancer, things like digestive issues, chewing, and swallowing are already problems you may be dealing with.
By juicing fruits and vegetables, you do not have to chew your food and the food is easily digested. You shouldn’t go on an exclusively juiced diet, however, because it can result in weight loss, which is already a problem in people who have cancer.
Besides juicing, you should be eating at least five servings of whole colorful fruits and vegetables daily. You can eat these fruits and vegetables whole or juice some of them if you are having problems with digestion or swallowing.
Ideally, though, you should be eating the first five servings of fruits and vegetables, only juicing those you eat beyond that.

Tips On Juicing In Support Of Cancer Treatment
Here are a few tips to juicing when you have cancer.
 Eat more vegetables than fruits. Vegetables contain the most cancer fighting phytonutrients so you should focus on those. You can add fruits to sweeten the juice but it should not make up the whole of the juice.
 Drink the amount that you would eat. If you are eating carrots, for example, it takes about 4-6 large carrots to make up to 8 ounces of carrot juice. This is a lot of carrots and more
than you would likely eat if they were eaten whole. Only juice a couple of whole carrots at a time.
 Add protein and fat to your diet. Along with your juice (or in it), you should have some protein and healthy fats. This could mean that you eat yogurt with your juice or that you eat a handful of seeds or nuts. Eggs are also a good source of protein.
 Don’t forget the cruciferous vegetables
 Arugula
 Broccoli
 Bok Choy
 Brussels Sprouts
 Cabbage
 Kale
 Radishes
 Rutabaga
 Turnips
 Watercress
 Cauliflower
 Collard Greens
These can be juiced or eaten whole and contain many cancer fighting phytonutrients. Try eating at least 3 servings of cruciferous vegetables in your diet every day.

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