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Does sleep improve immune system?

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Sleeping is, by far, one of the best remedies to help the immune system
fight off any disruptive bug in your body. Sleep is crucial for the body’s
production of cytokines. Cytokine is a protein that reduces inflammation
and infection in the body.
Sleep is critical to ensure a healthy immune system that is always ready to
fight any bacteria and viruses. The recommended sleep hours are seven to
nine hours per night to rest and regenerate the body adequately. If some
days you are unable to get the recommended dose of sleep, try to do one
or two naps of 30 minutes during the day. If you don’t get enough sleep,
your immune system can’t function optimally. Here are a few ideas to help
you improve your sleep.

Create a Routine
It is proven that a routine will trick your body into falling asleep at a specific
time. Try to observe yourself, is there a time when you are tired? If so,
make sure you go to bed before that time. Create a routine that allows you
to complete everything before that time and go to bed. You can also set an
alarm that will tell you that it’s time to prepare yourself for bedtime. That
way, you are less likely to forget what time it is and be more successful at
implementing a routine. A bedtime ritual is an excellent addition to your

schedule. A good bedtime ritual is one that allows you to relax, disconnect
from the stress of life, and slowly tell your body that it is time to shut down.
Set a Comfortable Atmosphere
It might be time to look at your bedroom and try to find ways to improve the
atmosphere for a good night’s sleep. Don’t underestimate the comfort of
your bed and pillow and the power of fresh linen. If you are uncomfortable,
you will likely have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep. Another
aspect of comfort is the temperature of the room and the level of noise
around. Try sleeping with a fan on or a white noise machine. Having a
constant sound in the room could help you maintain your sleep. If you like
essential oils, try a drop of lavender on your pillow, this will help the brain
relax. Are there electronics that make it bright at night, like the light on a
laptop charger or your alarm clock? Make sure that you can remove the
light and make the space dark for sleep. Also, consider moving the TV in
your bedroom. The TV will stimulate you instead of encouraging sleep.
Reducing the use of devices will probably be the most challenging thing to
do but the most effective, which is to turn off any electronics 1 hour before
bedtime. Spend the last hour doing something calming and relaxing.
Avoid This
Avoid any alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, or a large meal from 2–3 hours
before you go to bed.

Talk to an Expert
If you’ve tried all those recommendations and you are still struggling with
sleep, it might be a good idea to consult your doctor or a sleep expert.

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