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How Can I Prevent Prediabetes From Turning Into Type 2 Diabetes?

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Pre-diabetes means you probably have higher than normal blood-sugar levels but, fortunately, not high enough to be classed as being diabetic.

However it does mean that you are susceptible to developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease if you do nothing about it.

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Unfortunately, more often than not, there are no physical symptoms to warn you if you are in a pre-diabetes stage. So it's worth getting yourself checked out and, if you fall into any of these categories, ask your physician if you are likely to be at risk of pre-diabetes:

The good news is, if after testing you discover that you do have pre-diabetes; your blood-sugar levels are rather higher than they should be but not in the diabetes range, you can take positive action to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

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Taking these and other simple actions can reduce your risk of turning pre-diabetes into type 2 diabetes.

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