Stay active Although exercising may feel a bit sore at first, activities such as swimming, walking, yoga and Pilates, can help to strengthen your back muscles and increase your flexibility.
Don’t stay in bed It’s natural to think that if your back hurts, you need to rest up. However, bed rest for more than a couple of days may weaken your muscles and make it harder to get going again.
Get back into your routine Pain isn’t always a sign of damage so start to move slowly and try to do a little more each day.
Take medicine Take over-the-counter painkillers to help control your painkillers to help control your pain so you can stay active and get on with your daily tasks.
Don’t wait Don’t wait to go back to work. Just make sure you take regular breaks and don’t sit down for too long at any one time.
Sit up When you’re sitting own, make sure you change position regularly to help take the pressure off your joints and muscles
Use a pillow If you sleep on your side, a firm pillow placed between your knees may reduce some of the pressure on your lower back and help reduce your pain.
…or two If you prefer to lie on your back, two or three firm pillows under your knees may help
Apply heat or cold treatments Heat and cold packs may help reduce your pain. You GP or physiotherapist can tell you how to apply heat and cold safety.
Stay positive Most back pain that has no obvious cause settles down after about six weeks. Setting achievable goals for your recovery and pacing your return to usual activities can help your confidence in getting better.