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What causes fatigue?

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Before you can begin to overcome your fatigue, you need first to understand what fatigue is all about. Fatigue is often referred to as lethargy or exhaustion and is that feeling of tiredness and weakness, both physically and mentally.
You can experience temporary fatigue, which is a result of too much work or not getting enough rest. This kind of fatigue can be easily overcome. There is also chronic or medical fatigue, which is more long-term and requires more serious treatment to overcome.
According to research, 10 percent of the world population suffers from fatigue at any given time, with females being affected by
fatigue more than males. Most cases of fatigue have underlying mental causes rather than physical causes and one out of five people who suffer fatigue in the United States, states that it affects their normal function and daily lives.
Two Types of Fatigue
There are two kinds of fatigue that you can suffer from, physical fatigue and mental fatigue. Physical fatigue is when you have a hard time doing the things that you usually do, like carrying grocery bags or climbing stairs.

Physical exhaustion is just not having enough physical strength to complete daily tasks.
Mental, or psychological fatigue, on the other hand, is when you find it difficult to concentrate on things. In severe cases, you may find even the prospect of getting out of bed to be too much work.
You may feel tired all the time and may also suffer from a lower level of consciousness, which can be extremely dangerous, especially when driving or operating heavy machinery. If you suffer from mental fatigue, you may be mistaken for being drunk or intoxicated.
Weakness Often times, when referring to fatigue, the words sleepiness and weakness are used to describe the condition. When the phrase
weakness is used, it refers to a situation where your muscles just don't have enough strength to complete even the simplest of physical tasks.
When you experience weakness as a symptom of fatigue, you often need to apply extra effort just to move your arms, legs, and other body parts. This is usually a result of overexerting yourself at some point, like when running a marathon or spending the entire day hiking.
Your body will feel tired and weak, and you’ll experience some aches and pains. Fortunately, with enough rest,

these symptoms will disappear after a couple of days.
Sleepiness, also called somnolence, is when you feel sleepy even when you are in the middle of an activity. This can be as a result of not getting enough sleep, which is necessary for you to feel rejuvenated and make you feel more relaxed.
Causes of Fatigue
To overcome fatigue, you must understand the root causes behind it. If you can eliminate the root causes from your life, you can permanently get rid of fatigue from your life. The origins of
fatigue can be divided into three main groups; lifestyle, psychological, and medical.
Lifestyle Factors
If you are suffering from fatigue, you may need to look carefully at your lifestyle. Drinking too much alcohol or caffeinated drinks, maintaining unhealthy eating habits, excessive physical work, and activities, and lacking the proper amount of sleep can all contribute to fatigue in your life. To eliminate fatigue from your life, you'll have to consider adjusting your lifestyle.
Psychological Factors
Your fatigue could also be a result of common mental health conditions. If you suffer from depression, stress, anxiety, or are dealing with grief; you can find your energy drained. These common mental health issues can make you feel tired and listless.
Medical Factors
In some instances, a medical condition can leave you feeling exhausted. If you are experiencing chronic fatigue, it is essential to talk to your doctor to determine if you are suffering from a severe medical condition that is resulting in chronic fatigue. Here are some of the common medical conditions that can result in chronic fatigue.
• Depression will not only make you feel sad and empty, but it will also drain you of energy. It can cause you to lose sleep, which will result in more fatigue. The first step to correcting this issue is to seek out professional help to address the problem.
• Diabetes is the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin to maintain proper sugar levels. While Type 2 diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise, Type 1 will require medical intervention to keep it under control. Having unstable blood sugar levels can lead to exhaustion and fatigue and can lead to long-term damage to your body.
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can make you feel certain disabling tiredness that will last for months. Causes can be physical, mental or dietary. However, there is no specific test that can diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome.
• Sleep Apnea is a disorder that results in intermittent stopping and starting of your breathing while you sleep.

This pattern will cause a lack of oxygen to your body and lack of sleep, leaving you feeling more tired after sleeping than you did before.
• Toxic Exposure can leave your feeling drained and fatigued. Chemical solvents, dust, chlorine, and other pollutants and toxins can not only result in chronic fatigue but can also cause long-term damage to your body.
• Chronic inflammation is one of the most common causes of fatigue and can be caused by stress, improper diet, injury, and many other things. It is essential to determine the specific cause and get the proper treatment because along with causing fatigue, chronic inflammation can also lead to long-term damage to joints, skin, and other organs.
• Nutritional Deficiencies are one of the biggest causes of exhaustion and fatigue. When you are pushed to the limits physically and emotionally, getting the right fuel in your body is extremely important. A proper, balanced diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat, and grains are imperative for eliminating exhaustion in your life.
To fight fatigue and extreme exhaustion you have to identify the root causes of your condition.
Symptoms of Fatigue The main sign of fatigue is exhaustion and tiredness, especially after completing a strenuous physical activity or mental exercise. While you may rest after the activity, your mind and body may still feel exhausted. Here are some of the other symptoms of fatigue that you should know if you want to learn how to overcome it.

Physical Symptoms
The physical symptoms of fatigue include sore muscles, dizziness, abdominal pain, headache, bloating, vision problems, and painful lymph nodes. If you experience any of these symptoms for more than two weeks, it is essential to talk to your doctor to rule out any common conditions that can lead to chronic fatigue.

Psychological Symptoms

If you have chronic fatigue, you may suffer from poor concentration, apathy, or a lack of motivation. You may also experience moodiness, indecisiveness, irritability, hallucinations, loss of appetite, memory impairment, poor judgment, slow reflexes and responses to stimuli, sleepiness, or drowsiness.
By knowing these symptoms, you can identify if you are suffering from chronic fatigue or if you are just tired and in need of a good night's sleep. Knowing the symptoms can help you find the right solution so you can get rid of your fatigue and enhance your energy.

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