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Avoid Insulin Resistance And Manage Diabetes Naturally

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Insulin resistance is when the cell (particularly liver, muscle and fat cells, with the liver losing sensitivity first, then the muscle and then the fat cells) loses its responsiveness on the insulin receptor site. Your body adds more and more insulin to store fat. Overtime, the pancreas give up leading to type II diabetes.

In type II diabetes, your body isn't making enough insulin and/or the cells are resistant to insulin causing too much sugar to remain in the blood.

Insulin is necessary for your body's use of sugar. Sugar is the basic fuel for your cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells.

A fasting blood glucose level higher than 100-125 mg/dL is not indicative of diabetes, but it can be indicative of insulin resistance, and is above normal levels. Optimum serum glucose range is 80-95. Fasting serum insulin levels should be below 10.

Controlling your insulin levels with diet/nutrition, lifestyle modifications, exercise and supplements are a powerful anti-aging strategy and a must for health, vitality, longevity and fat loss.

Insulin Resistance Symptoms and Conditions:

When glucose (sugar) builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, it can cause problems:

ALL hormones work in synergy with one another. The hormone you have the most control over is insulin. This is regulated by your diet.

What Causes Insulin Resistance and Diabetes?

DIET AND NUTRITION for insulin resistance/type II diabetes:

SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRIENTS for insulin resistance/type II diabetes:

SUPPLEMENTAL BOTANICALS for Insulin Resistance/Diabetes:

Fenugreek/Flax seed Potion for diabetes and insulin resistance:
Take on an empty stomach first thing in the AM
1 T. freshly ground fenugreek seeds
1 T. freshly ground flax seeds
1 T. Liquid chlorophyll
16 ounces water

LIFESTYLE protocol for insulin resistance/type II diabetes:

EXERCISE protocol for insulin resistance/type II diabetes:

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