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How can I boost my energy naturally?

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Change your Diet and Eating Habits

One of the leading causes of chronic fatigue is eating an unhealthy diet. If you eat the wrong kinds of foods often, you can begin to feel tired and overly exhausted. In order to eliminate fatigue and enhance your energy levels, you need to avoid those foods that make you feel tired and heavy.
Consume Food That Give You Energy When you feel tired, and your energy starts to wane, you may be tempted to reach for the candy bar you have hiding in your desk drawer. While it will give you an instant boost in energy, after about an hour, you’ll be right back where you started. Instead of reaching for foods that are high in sugar, you need to eat foods that are high in protein and that contain complex carbohydrates.
Foods that contain complex carbohydrates and are high in protein help to increase your blood glucose levels and keep them at the right level, providing your body with energy for a more extended period. Complex carbohydrates also are digested at a slower rate than simple carbs, resulting in you feeling fuller for longer.
Throughout the day you should try and consume whole grain products like whole wheat bread or whole grain crackers. Add some peanut butter or low-fat cheese and another source of protein to keep you energized throughout the day.
Eat Foods that are Rich in Magnesium
In order to break down the glucose in your blood and turn it into energy, you need to consume Magnesium. Along with converting glucose into energy, magnesium is necessary for the other 300 biochemical processes that take place in your body.
When magnesium levels get too low, your energy level drops significantly, because your glucose isn’t being turned into energy properly. Studies have shown that people who have magnesium deficiencies are more likely to tire easily after doing physical tasks.

Having low levels of magnesium can result in easily feeling out of breath and having an increased heart rate. This is an indication that your body is working harder, which can quickly drain your energy and make you feel exhausted.
It is vital that you get the recommended amount of magnesium in your diet if you want to eliminate fatigue. Some excellent sources of magnesium include fish, like halibut, whole grains, almonds, hazelnuts, and cashews.
Eat Small Snacks Between Meals
It is far better for you and your energy level to eat small meals with snacks in between, rather than eating less frequently, but overeating at every meal. This is what is known as power snacking.
By eating small snacks between meals, you keep your blood sugar up and your energy levels high. You can snack on yogurt, fruits, cheese, beef jerky, and nuts to keep you from getting too hungry between meals.
Overeating at meal time isn’t good because it can make you feel bloated and heavy, which can result in feeling too lazy to move. To avoid overeating, you may want to consider putting your food on a smaller plate to give the illusion that your plate is full enough and that you are eating a lot.

Drink Plenty of Water
Not only does drinking enough water every day improve your overall health and well-being, but it can help you avoid feeling tired and weak. Water keeps your body hydrated at all times which can help to prevent fatigue. To take full advantage of the power of water, you should consume at least eight cups of water daily. Otherwise, you'll feel sluggish for the entire day.
Include Soluble Fiber in Your Diet
Soluble fiber helps your body absorb sugars more slowly, which is necessary for you to obtain a more sustainable level of energy. When your body absorbs sugar to quickly, it can lead to a sudden crash soon after the sugar high. You can get soluble fiber from eating nuts, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oats, and beans.
Use Caffeine in Moderation
Stimulants like coffee, soda, and nicotine can quickly exhaust your adrenaline glands making you feel tired for extended periods of time. Coffee and other caffeinated products can give you the quick energy boost that you need but can become counterproductive if you become dependent on it. If you want to eliminate fatigue, then you have to stop consuming things that give you a quick energy boost.

Eat Foods that Detoxify Your Mind and Body
If you tend to feel tired and exhausted all the time, there are several foods that you can eat to detoxify your body and mind.
Eating cabbage and broccoli will help to cleanse harmful toxins from your liver, and are both rich in antioxidants.

Consuming beets can help to cleanse your body while eliminating free radicals. Other foods that can help detoxify your

body are:
• Avocados
• Asparagus
• Garlic
• Green Tea
• Lemongrass
• Wheatgrass
Time Your Eating
Properly timing your meals can have a profound effect on your metabolism and energy. Eating too much or too little can make you feel lethargic and can disrupt blood sugar levels, resulting in chronic fatigue. Timing your meals will ensure that you will have enough energy to get through the day and accomplish your tasks without feeling exhausted afterward.

Eat a Satisfying Breakfast and a Lighter Lunch and Dinner
We've all heard the saying, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day," and for a good reason. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and acts as the fuel that you need to keep going. Eating a nutritional breakfast makes you more productive and energetic in the morning and helps to keep you fueled throughout the morning.
If you have a satisfying meal in the morning, you can get away with eating a lighter lunch and dinner. Overeating in the afternoons and evening can make you feel sluggish and actually diminish the energy you have to get you through the rest of the day.
Maintaining a well-balanced diet and consuming the right kinds of foods at the right times throughout the day can help you eliminate fatigue and enhance your energy levels. Following the above advice will keep your energy levels high throughout the day and allow you to accomplish more in your day.

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