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Using a Diabetic Blood Sugar Level Chart – How to Know If You’re in a Normal Range

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If you have diabetes, knowing what your blood sugar/glucose level is at is extremely important to your health. Monitoring your levels several times a day using a diabetes blood sugar level chart and meter is crucial.

For most people, the body normally adjusts glucose levels in the body. When you're diabetic, however, depending on whether you're a Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic, the body has difficulty or cannot adjust glucose normally. In addition, the food you eat, your activity level, amount of exercise, and whether you're sick or have an illness directly affects your numbers.

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The chart below will help you know the difference between a normal, low, or high glucose level. Monitoring your levels using a meter and discussing your levels with your doctor is important to optimum health.

Normal Range Blood Sugar
In general, blood sugar levels should be between 80-170.
Upon waking in the morning and before eating, your optimum blood sugar level should be in the 80 to 120 range. After eating your number will spike, but within two hours after eating it should drop below 170.
Maintaining a low glycemic diet will help you stay within the normal range and avoid low or high spikes that lead to diabetic complications and adverse symptoms.

Low Blood Sugar Level
Your levels are low when they are below 80 and you may start to feel out of sorts, weak, light-headed, and shaky. Eating smaller more frequent meals may help you avoid a dip in your numbers.

High Blood Sugar Level
Immediately after eating your level will naturally spike, but if you're monitoring it and taking your medications as directed, within two hours of eating it should drop to a normal range. However, if it doesn't drop to a normal level and stays high and possibly goes higher, you should be taking extra steps to lower your level as directed by your doctor.

Ongoing high glucose levels may lead to hyperglycemia with symptoms including frequent urinating, excessive thirst, unexpected weight loss, and ongoing lethargy and tiredness. In addition to these symptoms, high numbers can cause serious health problems if untreated. Hyperglycemia can cause damage to blood vessels that provide blood to vital organs, and additional risks of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, vision problems, and nerve problems.

Although the above numbers the standard ranges, as mentioned, factors such as the food you eat, your activities, and your physical health all affect your numbers. It's important to work with your doctor to understand what a normal range for you is and to take all steps to maintain a normal range blood sugar.

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Lyn Thomas writes on a variety of subjects, but helping people manage their diabetes is close to her heart. Lyn has had gestational diabetes, has a family history of diabetes, and is married to a diabetic.

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