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What Causes Diabetes and Diabetes Symptoms?

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What causes diabetes is the most frequently asked question nowadays. The prime reason behind this is that the disease is spreading like a plague in the modern societies. It is one of the leading causes of mortality as well. All genders and most races are at equal risk of catching the disease.

Diabetes is an illness in which either there is excessive sugar or less insulin in the body. Sometimes it is due to the malfunctioning of cells to respond towards insulin. The increase in the rate of mortality have compelled the health care professionals to give awareness to all individuals so they can be alarmed as soon as the problem starts to set in. the knowledge of causes and signs of diabetes helps the people to prevent and delay the onset of this chronic ailment. The most common signs of diabetes are excessive urination, increased thirst and tiredness. Lack of discipline and control is the most major contributor of onset of diabetes.

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As we all know well

"Prevention is better than cure"

This sentence is being reiterated again and again. No matter it is the best slogan to bring awareness and helps the readers to understand that that they should do every thing for preventing this chronic illness. It is equally important to know what causes diabetes as otherwise it would become extremely difficult for them to prevent the onset of this illness.

So for staying away from the disease the person must have fair knowledge of the signs, symptoms and about the causes of the disease. The following reading will be of great help for all those individual who are at an increased risk of developing the disease especially because of their genes.

Medical researches have revealed that etiology of diabetes is still not clearly known so it is not easy to detect it.

There are two main types of diabetes

In type 1 there is an extra secretion of a hormone in the blood stream. This hormone acts as antagonists against insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is termed as non insulin dependent diabetes. Ninety five percent diabetic patients suffer from this type of diabetes. Generally the middle aged persons are the victim of this type of disease.

The question still remains the same.

What is the main cause of diabetes? A group of thought says that heredity is the most main causes of suffering from diabetes. This ailment can be inherited because of the genes that pass from one generation to the other. The next cause of diabetes is the increasing age. The researches have revealed that risk factor of diabetes in old aged people is much more than the young individuals. Some other common contributors of diabetes are malnutrition, stress, obesity and sedentary lifestyle.

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Following are the important steps if you are diagnosed with diabetes
1) Gather information about Signs Of Diabetes
2) Consult endocrinologist
3) Buy the best Diabetic Testing Supplies for blood sugar monitoring

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