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How to Avoid High Blood Sugar Symptoms

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If you are diabetic, you know that high blood sugar symptoms can be dangerous. Continuously elevated glucose levels can cause many of the crippling effects that diabetes has become known for. These can include blindness, organ damage and even damage to the circulatory system that can lead to the amputation of toes and feet. Understanding how to avoid high blood sugar symptoms is the key to maintaining good health and living a long and productive life.

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In a normal individual, high blood sugar is not as much of an issue. In a normal system, when blood glucose levels become too high, the body produces insulin and this lowers these levels. In someone who does not produce insulin (type 1 diabetes) or someone who may be producing inadequate insulin or may be dealing with insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes) this does not happen. Sugar levels in blood may remain elevated for an extended period of time and the resulting high blood sugar symptoms can damage the body irreparably.

Diet can often be one of the best ways to stave off high blood sugar symptoms. By incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain foods that are high in fiber, we can cause a slow increase in blood sugar that can be regulated much more easily. Avoiding foods that are full of salt, sugar and fat and which are made from refined flour may also help to do so, since these foods can really throw blood glucose levels out of line.

In order to establish a healthy, well balanced diet, it can be a good idea to speak to your doctor and a dietary expert. They will be able to give you a list of foods that you should be eating and can also give you guidelines regarding how many servings of each you will need to consume each day.

Many people who are overweight have trouble regulating their blood sugar properly. Excessive amounts of body fat can cause a person to become increasingly insulin resistant. This means that they will either need to take a secondary form of insulin or increase the dose they are taking if they are already on an insulin regime. Lowering your body weight to healthier levels can have a positive impact on other areas of your health including cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

If you are diabetic, you need to make sure that you are monitoring your sugar levels in blood on a regular basis. There are testing kits that enable you to do so quickly, easily and accurately.

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