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The Dangers of High Blood Sugar

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Type 2 diabetes isn't a formidable disease by mere coincidence. The main condition underlying diabetes is hyperglycemia, or chronically elevated levels of sugar circulating in the bloodstream. It's this condition that drives the disease - overtime damaging the internal systems of the body in varied proportions.

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It's important to clarify blood sugar is not harmful by nature. Circulating sugars in the blood function to supply different parts of the body with precious energy at the tissue and cellular levels. At baseline levels, blood sugar behaves exactly as it was intended to as determined by our physiology. Higher levels of blood sugar also have their significance, especially when this occurs following completion of physical activity. In this state the body is deprived of accessible nutrients that were expended during exercise (mostly glycogen stores of carbohydrates). and the elevated levels aim to restore nutrient balance in an efficient, innocuous manner.

High blood sugar becomes a serious threat posing many dangers to the body when it's elevated above normal measurements on a chronic basis. This is the foundation of Type 2 diabetes.

When sugar is present in high concentrations, its ramifications prove to be detrimental. The pancreas is an organ that produces insulin as a response to fluctuations in sugar levels in the bloodstream. Overtime, the diabetic's pancreas overcompensates to meet increased insulin demands as insulin resistance in the body increases due to elevated levels of blood sugar. With this instability, the pancreas suffers damage, and its functioning will show signs of impairment.

High levels of sugar circulating in the bloodstream also provoke a blood vessel response causing them to harden to withstand the harmful effects of the circulating blood sugar. Atherosclerosis develops and plaque builds up along the internal linings of blood vessels. This impairs oxygen transport efficiency as red blood cells face additional resistance as they move to supply different parts of the body with essential oxygen molecules. Atherosclerosis can lead to heart attack, stroke, and potentially death.

Unfortunately, this is only a short list of the consequences of high levels of sugar in the bloodstream of Type 2 diabetics.

Other complications include...

  1. Neuropathy, which is characterized by weak and numb sensations in the peripheries,and is a result of damage to the nerves.
  2. Retinopathy is a disease affecting the retina, resulting in blurred vision and potentially full loss of vision or blindness.

Both these conditions frequently occur in varied degrees of severity.

Let's not forget the most physically evident danger of high levels of sugar in the body: obesity. Being overweight furthers the development of hyperglycemia and as this condition worsens, so does body composition. High blood sugar is likely to facilitate the progression of obesity, not only further aggravating hyperglycemia, but also introducing a list of health complications of its own.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

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