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Top 5 Diabetic Weight Loss Diet Tips

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It is very important for diabetics to eat healthy, low calorie, nutritious meals and exercise regularly to help maintain proper blood sugar levels. A diabetic weight loss diet can help you not only eat the right foods but also lose weight and possibly even eliminate the need for taking insulin or other medications. Here are some general tips to help you with your weight loss program:

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* Before starting on any diet or exercise program, a doctor or other diabetes specialist should be consulted. Changes in eating habits can affect your blood sugar level as well as the dosage for your insulin and other medications you might be taking. Therefore it is very important to consult with your doctor and possibly a nutritionist or dietitian who specializes in diabetes to make sure that your diabetic weight loss plan is a sound one for your individual situation.

* When trying to lose weight, we are all tempted to cut way back or even skip meals thinking this will help us. For diabetics, then can be very harmful. You need to eat on a regular basis and not skip meals. Cutting calories can be done, but it must be done across all food groups, and you need to eat your meals at consistent times in order to maintain your blood sugar levels.

* The diabetic food pyramid issued by the American Diabetes Association is a good place to start when it comes to meal and diet planning. A recommended ratio of foods to eat is: 50% carbohydrates, 30% fat, 20% protein.

* Exercise is very important to your weight loss plan, but be sure to consult with your doctor or diabetes specialist to make sure that your exercise program takes into account your special needs as a diabetic.

* A diabetic weight loss diet [] does not require specialized foods. It is based on eating a variety of natural, nutrient rich foods and eating at the proper times to not only lose weight but to maintain the proper blood sugar levels. This is the best way for a diabetic to lose weight.

More great information on living with diabetes while still eating great, visit


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