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Posts tagged as “Lose Weight”

Learning About Real Fat Burner Foods

There is no dearth of people who consider that there is nothing called fat burning foods. However, most of them are wrong and there are certainly some foods that can help fat burning and weight loss. It…

The Cabbage Soup Diet – Does It Work

Regarding the origins of the Cabbage Soup Diet, we know almost nothing, some people say that Cabbage soup Diet has been developed in the US hospitals while some others say that Belgian university hospitals created this type…

Low Calorie Diets For Quick Weight Loss

There are so many miracle programs promoting fast weight loss everywhere you look today, that it may be confusing for an average person to decide whom to believe, whose advice to follow, and which diet to chose.…

3 Great Exercises to Lose Stomach Fat Fast

There are many great exercises to lose stomach fat out there, but unfortunately they are often neglected by the mass media, which seems more interested in the latest diet fad or weight loss pill than providing good…

Obesity and Diabetic Kidney Disease

Obesity is a risk factor for the development and poor control of Type 2 diabetes. Kidney disease is one complication of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Scientists at Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, United Kingdom,…

Are Carb Blockers the Best Weight Loss Option for Diabetics

If you've been looking at the different supplements available for fat loss and bodyweight management, you have likely come across quite a few different options. Fat burners, energy boosters, and now... "carb blockers." This last one may…

Six Pack Abs For Women – Lose Unwanted Belly Fat

Flat stomach, six pack abs -- they're not just or guys. More and more, women are looking for proven ways to get rid of stubborn belly fat. Not only are six pack abs for women the ultimate…

Why Diabetics Struggle With Weight Loss

One of the most perplexing problems that diabetics face is weight loss. Many doctors insist it is a simple matter of consuming less calories than are burned. And, in a perfect world that works. But most diabetics…