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Walking And The Effect On Your Body And Blood Sugar

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Type 2 diabetes is frequently described as being caused by insulin resistance which leads to excess levels of sugar in the bloodstream. This is brought about by the fact the hormone insulin that helps to control blood sugar levels is prevented from carrying the sugar out of the bloodstream into the insulin receptors in the cells. Insulin resistance can also eventually cause the beta cells of the pancreas to wear out and not be able to produce a sufficient amount of insulin.

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Besides watching your sugar intake, people diagnosed with this long-term condition are usually told by their doctor to exercise and it is quite-true exercise is a valuable tool for controlling your blood sugar. Many diabetics think exercise means going to the gym and, of course, for many working the various machines you find at the gym are really helpful. But one of the best ways to start out exercising, is good old walking.

The treatment of Type 2 diabetes is anchored on three objectives:

Guess what... walking does all three.

The different forms of walking that may help fulfill these objectives include:

Walking and other types of exercise in general, improves the body's responsiveness to insulin, therefore improving the symptoms and preventing the onset of complications.

Walking also lowers body fat, blood sugar and blood pressure. Other benefits of walking for diabetics include:

It also allows you to sleep better... another plus. Taken together, the secondary effect of walking is to reduce the risk of other lifestyle diseases besides Type 2 diabetes.

Since caution should be taken from strenuous exercises for some diabetic who have had high blood sugars for a while and have been sedentary, an aggressive program of gym exercise may end up giving serious injuries that would make future exercise almost impossible. Walking is the natural answer.

Anyone who is ambulatory can walk, even at a slow pace and work their way up from there. Only people with nerve damage are not encouraged to walk for exercise. Elliptical machines can help those with limited mobility who find that a treadmill is too much for their joints and muscles.

Since the onset of Type 2 diabetes is so closely related to obesity, walking is a great way to help keep the condition under control while burning off excess fat. Keeping the body mass index to a minimum also helps to prevent a host of other medical conditions that can either be brought on by out-of-control diabetes or obesity.

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As with any other new exercise routine, it is important you speak with your doctor before starting. Your doctor can instruct you on what a safe level of activity would be to start with. The last thing you want to do is over-exert yourself and risk a hypoglycemic episode, or an injury. People with diabetes or even prediabetes who have experienced years of undiagnosed high blood sugars are prone to develop tendon problems. Having a bad experience walking might also crush any enthusiasm you have for exercise.

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments

Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions ... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.

Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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