It is important to note that not everyone with diabetes will get kidney disease. It is just a popular misconception. If you maintain proper blood glucose levels you can avoid kidneys disease.
When a person who is diabetic is unable to dispose of the waste products of starches and sugars through their systems, they are prone to get kidney disease. The foods that remain in their systems are not able to broken down as they do to people with out this disease. This is dangerous because the sugars and starches that they in the system goes high levels of blood sugars. And it also makes it difficult for proteins to pass freely through the system.
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So if a person who does not control diabetes and does not maintain proper blood glucose levels, the elimination process of his or her kidneys does not function effectively. Thus causing the kidneys to over function trying to eliminate the block proteins and waste products. This then causes the kidneys to filter too much blood then begin to leak. Then all of the waste products begin to build up in the persons blood.
Although they are many ways of acquiring kidney disease. When referring to diabetes, kidney disease is acquired because the kidneys are overworked trying to filter out the access starch and sugars from the blood. This causes the kidneys to shut down just like any other organ. When this happens a person is then put on dialysis. Dialysis is a machine that functions the same way as a kidney. Some people than opt for a transplant but this is not always available if you are diabetic.
A person with diabetes should understand how important it is to understand how their kidneys work. Because you cannot leave without kidneys. A diabetic person does not have to contact kidney disease at all. By this one should follow what their doctor of physician is told them to do.
It has been discovered that most diabetic people are compliant patients and do not do what the doctor instructs them to do. They just do not follow the instructions and recommendations in the gylcemic index. Gylcemic index is a chart that this specially developed to help inform a diabetic person on what foods to avoid. The foods that take long to digest and breakdown are the ones that damage the kidneys. And as you know that kidneys are responsible for eliminating waste.
Not monitoring your blood sugar levels is not good as well. Diabetic people often prescribed with blood monitors that they use several times a day to check on their blood glucose levels. So every time you make a visit to your physician, the physician will ask for your blood glucose levels recordings.
Diabetes who refuse to take this life-saving medications are then usually prescribed to insulin. Insulin helps a diabetic person by enabling the breaking down food and assisting the kidneys in eliminating waste. If you cannot afford this medication there no need to worry because they are different programs available for you.
It is also very important to maintain your weight because it is crucial in living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining diabetes. But on the other hand many people still refuse to exercise.
But lastly, you should understand that kidney disease and diabetes do not go hand in hand, they are to different type of diseases. And the one does not lead to the other yet they can contribute if not managed well.
By the way, in 1981, Dr. David Jenkins of the University of Toronto came up with a ranking system for carbohydrates based upon how long it takes them to break down into the system. Some carbohydrates break down very slowly and those release glucose gradually into the bloodstream and have a low glycemic index. For people who are diabetes, particularly those who are insulin dependent, a low glycemic index is preferable. These foods allow the insulin or medication to respond better to the blood glucose and allows for the sugars to break down more naturally.
By following a diet with limited amounts of carbohydrates, being aware of the Glycemic Index and learning which carbohydrates are the most harmful to a diabetic diet, someone with this potentially life threatening condition can keep this disease at bay.
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A diabetic diet should include limits on carbohydrates and increases in protein. Sugars should be eliminated as well as white flour. Pasta and rice are also rich in carbohydrates. One way someone can follow a good diabetic diet is to follow some of the low carb diets that were popular some years back. Many of these diets either eliminated or limited carbohydrates. There are also many different diabetic cookbooks for those with this condition that can help a person live a happier, healthier life.
Research Source: [http://www.information-guide.org/recipesfordiabetics/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2038482