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Blood Sugar Level Chart – What’s Normal and What’s Not

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Many of us wonder that how athletes could go through strenuous exercising routine without getting weaker. Scientific explanation of this is that body has an energy source. This energy source is the main sugar glucose level. The body cells extract energy from the glucose present in blood. This glucose was derived from the food by the blood.

Whenever doctors suspect the onset of diabetes in a person the most important and common test on which they mainly depend are glucose level test. Though this is not the only test; as series of test is required for diagnosis of diabetes. However the most common are two glucose level tests. Without these tests a person can never be diagnosed as diabetics; as sign of diabetes can be misleading as well.

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These two tests are

Fasting Glucose Test: Fasting blood test requires a complete fast for around 10 to 12 hours. If the results of the test after the required fasting are 110 to 126 mg/dl then the person is considered prediabetic. Any level above 126 mg/dl suggests that person is diabetic. No matter diabetic or prediabetic the person must take control of the blood sugar level in his own hands. The proper control is impossible with the help of lifestyle change that includes more physically active lifestyle and better food management.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: This test also requires an initial fast of 8 to 12 hours. Initially a blood sample is drawn to check the fasting level. Then the said person is given a sugar laden drink. Generally this drink contains 75 gm glucose in it. However for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes the 100 gm glucose drink is required. The blood sample is then drawn after every half hour for 3 hours. The results of the sugar level in different blood sample tells the doctor how well a person's body can manage to handle the glucose or sugar.

These tests are not only required for the diagnosis of diabetes but also to ascertain how well the person is managing his diabetes.

Once a person is detected with diabetes the main goal of his diabetes management is to control the blood sugar level and prevent the formation of spikes. Better control on blood sugar level will prevent the risk of many diabetic related complications that may include damage to the nerves, cardiovascular issues and even amputation.

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I know that what I am going to tell you can be unbelievable, but that's the truth and 100% truth. Diabetes can be managed and even reversed. I have reversed it. You will find here a diabetes symptoms quiz which will tell you on the spot whether you are diabetic or not. Further it will guide you to control Blood Sugar Level and eventually reverse Signs of Diabetes.

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