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Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

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According to figures provided by the World Health Organization, there are currently about 420 million people suffering from diabetes mellitus, in any of its types.

This disease affects one in eleven people, resulting in consequences such as strokes, blindness, heart attacks and chronic renal failure.

In the case of men suffering from this pathology, there is another disease that can not only affect the patient physically but also psychology and is erectile dysfunction.

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Fundamentally, it implies the inability to maintain an erection that can lead to a full sexual relationship, affecting in the great majority, diabetic patients between the ages of 50 and 70 years.

To expand this information on how diabetes is directly related to the dysfunction, Dr. Vivian Bernal, a specialist physician at New Eps, was asked to answer the most frequently asked questions, including the reasons and efficacy of medications such as.

Is it true that if I have diabetes I can suffer from erectile dysfunction?

- Yes, and one of the main reasons is because diabetes increases blood sugar levels, causing destruction in the blood vessels.

At the time of having an erection the brain sends an order to the muscles so that these relax, and later, the glasses open and fill with blood generating the erection.

On the other hand, it can also present hardening in the blood vessels what is known as atherosclerosis, which does not allow dilation of the same so you could not reach an erection.

Can erectile dysfunction be diagnosed in time?

- There are currently specialized tests that can demonstrate that a patient is suffering from this disease, but the fastest and most effective method is a constant medical check-up.

Does erectile dysfunction have a cure?

As such there is no cure for this disease, in an initial phase is sought a suitable treatment that allows the patient to have a normal sex life, if this does not work there are other types of drugs that are administered intracavernosa (injections in the Male reproductive member).

In extreme cases, there are surgeries where pumps are implanted that allow a good functioning of the male reproductive system.

How many times a week should a couple have sex to be happy? Science gives the exact number

Physical and emotional intimacy, internal and external factors, form a successful relationship. According to a survey conducted at Florida State University, sex is a key ingredient for marital bliss.

The results of the research were published in the journal Psychological Science, by author Andrea Meltzer. The study was attended by 214 newly married couples. Couples should report their sexual commitment to their partners, assess how satisfied they were with their sex life, and also assess how satisfied they were with their relationship and spouse.

The research found that physical intimacy produces a shine that lasts up to 2 days, increasing long-term relationship satisfaction.

"Our research shows that sexual satisfaction remains high 48 hours after sex, and people with a sexual glow are stronger-that is, people who reported a higher level of sexual satisfaction 48 hours after having sex- reported higher levels High marital satisfaction several months later, "explains Meltzer.

What would be the magic number?

One study uncovered the magic number of how much sex a stable partner should have to be happy. The American research had the participation of more than 30 thousand people with fixed partners and was published in the specialized journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.

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They discovered that having sex only once a week is enough to feel satisfied at the wedding. "Although the more frequent sex is associated with greater happiness, this relationship is no longer significant at a frequency greater than once a week," said researcher Amy Muise, a social psychologist at the University of Toronto-Mississauga.

"Our findings suggest that it is important to maintain an intimate connection with the partner, but it is not necessary to have sex every day for that," he added.

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