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How to Reverse Diabetes With the Foods and Vitamins We Eat

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Did you know that you do not have to take insulin the rest of your life? Thousands of people are trying a natural cure for diabetes to reverse diabetes. And all you may need to do is learn what foods you can and cannot eat. Imagine having your doctor tell you to lessen your insulin.

If you are border line diabetes or have suffered from diabetes for the last 20 years, there is still hope to find freedom from this disease.

Fact! Researchers have found and studied northern tribes who have nearly no diabetes cases. After studying their diet and lifestyles, some researchers believe we have found a cure.

Fact! A Duke study experimented with a low carbohydrate / high fat diet. The diabetic study resulted with 17 out of 21 patients reducing their medicated insulin or discontinuing it altogether after 16 weeks.

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Here are simple and easy tips to begin reversing diabetes today!

How to Reverse Diabetes with Your Diet and Lifestyle

1. Begin by drinking plenty of water. Your body needs plenty of water to stay healthy and make new cells which accept glucose. You should begin to drink at least 16 ounces of water for every 2 hours you are awake. There is no substitute for water.

2. Stay away from acidic foods. An alkaline diet has been shown beneficial. You should eat many whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. It is important to eat many of your vegetables raw and fresh instead of cooked.

3. You should also be eating plenty of fruit. Try eating at least 5 servings a day. Because fruit contains water soluble fiber, this makes a healthy treat that will help flush impurities from the body.

4. Fiber is important for diabetes because another reason too! High fiber diets typically contain chromium which is very beneficial to diabetics. Chromium deficiency is sometimes common in diabetics.

5. It has also been found that most diabetics are potassium deficient. It is a great idea to get plenty of potassium with the following foods: bananas, peanuts, tomatoes, melons, peas, potatoes, apple cider vinegar, and wheat.

6. You may wish to supplement as well. Research has shown that magnesium supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity. Vitamin therapy has also been very popular for diabetics. Try supplementing vitamin C at 500 mg and vitamin E at 200 i.u.

7. Lastly, it is also important to cut out carbohydrates. The newest research on dieting and diabetes is showing that carbohydrates may interfere with diabetics' cell functioning. For instance, the Duke research study showed unbelievable results when sufferers cut carbs from their diet. A carbohydrate free diet may be the key to reversing diabetes.

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