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The Cabbage Soup Diet – Does It Work

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Regarding the origins of the Cabbage Soup Diet, we know almost nothing, some people say that Cabbage soup Diet has been developed in the US hospitals while some others say that Belgian university hospitals created this type of diet - a friend of mine has been following this dieting method in a Belgian hospital fifteen years ago.

Some other people call Cabbage Soup Diet "The Dolly Parton Diet".Anyway, the supposed creators of this popular diet refute being part of this weight loss method even while many hospitals used it to help obese patients to quickly lose weight before undergoing a surgery.The results of this weight loss programme are a spectacular miracle: 10 pounds lost in just one week!The principle of this diet combines cabbage soup, known for their slimming properties, and fruits, vegetables, meat, sometimes in unlimited quantities but not at the same time neither the same day.Cabbage is known for having weight loss stimulating properties, by regulating the sugar and fat metabolism and is also rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber.

Fibers are indispensable to a good intestinal transit.Peppers and tomatoes provide vitamins A & C as well as potassium. Carrots provide vitamin A and beta carotene while celery provides fiber and potassium. Onions are also rich in potassium, fiber and protein.But we do not have to include all the ingredients to cook the cabbage soup diet, and may improve the taste by replacing tomatoes and / or peppers by zucchini.Here is the Cabbage Soup Diet basic recipe:    * 1 white cabbage, chopped    * 2 sliced green peppers    * 1 kilo sliced carrots    * 6 large white onions, chopped    * 4 stalks celery    * 1 or 2 canned peeled tomatoes, chopped    * 1 or 2 teaspoon vegetable soup mix    * Pepper, herbs to tasteDirections:Putt all vegetables in a big pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil until all the vegetables are soft. Do not add salt.Eat as much soup as you like and as often as you want.Maybe you think that cabbage soup is not appetizing... But there are some ways to improve the taste of this soup by adding some ingredients.

Cabbage Soup Diet lasts for seven days and, while you eat cabbage soup every day, each day you have to eat different food:    * Day 1: Fruits    * Day 2: Vegetables    * Day 3: Fruits and vegetables    * Day 4: Bananas    * Day 5: Fish or Chicken + tomatoes    * Day 6: Steak + vegetables    * Day 7: Vegetables + riceUnfortunately, Cabbage Soup Diet may lead to nutritional deficiencies; therefore, it is advisable to combine this diet with protein supplements such as drinking at least a homemade protein milkshake once a day.Here is an easy to do recipe:    * 4/5 glass skim milk    * 1/5 glass pure apple juice (no canned juice!)    * 2 tablespoon protein powder    * Fruits    * 1 teaspoon aspartameBlend the ingredients.If you want to improve the Cabbage Soup Diet effects, preferably eat negative calorie vegetables, such as (energy for 100 g):    * Artichokes (40 cal)    * Asparagus (25 cal)    * Broccoli (35 cal)    * Cabbage (28 cal)    * Cauliflowers (30 cal)    * Chinese Cabbage (12 cal)    * Green Beens (40 cal)    * Lettuce (18 cal)    * Mushrooms (28 cal)    * Pumpkin (30 cal)    * Spinach (25 cal)    * Watercress (20 cal)    * Zucchini (30 cal)Good luck!

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