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What Are the Main Signs of Kidney Failure

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Initially kidney failure may go unnoticed. In some cases there may be no signs of the condition early on. In other cases, the symptoms are shared with numerous other diseases and conditions. These early symptoms may include a general feeling of tiredness or lack of health. There may also be a common experience of appetite loss, nausea, and weight loss.

While it is helpful to diagnose and begin treating nearly any medical problem the lack of distinct symptoms singular to kidney failure may delay diagnose. There are a number of tests that can be performed to help diagnose the problem. If you have reason to suspect kidney failure in your case you should mention it to your physician for their consideration.

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When the condition is more severe of after the condition has continued for a longer period of time a number of other signs of kidney failure may begin to present in the individual. In general the symptoms that have been present may continue to worsen or develop into other problems. For example fatigue may increase, the individual may also begin to experience sleep disturbances such as insomnia or sleep apnea. Headaches may also begin to occur. Breath odor is not uncommon in many cases either. Urine output may also be affected. There may be less frequent urination and/or less urine when the individual does urinate.

In some cases failure of the kidneys may result from a chronic condition. In these cases the resulting problems may last indefinitely, they may also result in what is termed end-stage kidney failure. These cases of failure of the kidneys can result in the death of the individual suffering. At this point symptoms may have increased in severity or in frequency to the point of near obvious diagnosis.

Signs of kidney failure of this degree may include anemia and resulting bruising, bleeding and blood in the stool. There may also be swelling of the extremities in some cases. In some cases serious nervous system and brain problems may develop also. Problems concentrating, numbness in some areas, twitching and cramps, general confusion and a number of other difficulties may exist. They may be periodic or consistent.

The listed symptoms may present themselves at any point in the failure of the kidneys. In addition there are a number of other symptoms that may be present. In some cases the individual may not experience any symptoms. In all cases it is a serious condition.

Without the restoration of kidney function or the supplementing of that function the individual suffering will die. In cases of severe or end-stage renal (kidney) failure there are typically two treatment options. The first is dialysis of some variety. This is more often used in cases where the failure of the kidneys is periodic. In cases of complete end-stage renal failure there is another option. That is kidney transplant.

If you have any questions or concerns then you should consult a physician. Early diagnosis is important in effective treatment. As well kidney failure that results from chronic conditions such as diabetes can be impacted by the individual's management of their condition.


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Need to learn more about this condition? Be sure to check out Kidney Failure Symptoms [] which contains in-depth information on Signs of Kidney Failure [], symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and much more.

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