If you are suffering from a renal problem such as kidney stones, then you may be interested to know that a kidney diet plays a significant part in mitigating adverse symptoms and helping the kidney recover quickly from the problem. While some foods may be very nutritious and good for the body, they may pose serious problems to the kidneys in the long run. Therefore, it is well-advised to eat meals in moderation and also evaluating the suitability of the diet to your condition.
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A kidney diet should avoid calcium and phosphorous enriched foods
At best, dietary changes such as avoidance of calcium and phosphorous rich foods will become necessary if certain kidney problems are at a critical stage. This applies mostly to individuals who are at risk of developing a renal disorder. Below are some of the do's and don'ts that you should consider when planning your kidney diet.
Don'ts of a kidney diet
• Don't use food recipes in your diet for renal disease which have substantial quantities of mineral salts especially oxalate salts from calcium, phosphorus, manganese. These mineral elements can cause faster kidney degeneration and severe impairment to kidney functioning.
• Don't eat excess portions of foods which have high concentrations of saturated fats such as fries, burgers, and red meat or any processed foods.
• Don't drink alcohol, energy drinks, or beverages with high sugar content-both may overwork the liver and worsen or cause degeneration of the kidney problem.
• Don't consume sugary substances such as, snacks, deserts, or candies because they cause dehydration and overwork the kidney just like salts.
• Do not take all kinds of natural red meat in your kidney diet-beef, pork, bacon, or mutton and their alternatives fried, cured, or processed meats, instead look for lean white meat from poultry.
• Do not use any artificial sweeteners when preparing foods because they have no nutritional benefits
• Do not use margarine or mayonnaise but alternatives such as avocado fruit if you want to consume fat.
• Do not eat more helpings than necessary especially in regard to delicacies such as fries, ice creams, sodas, and other sweet foods an all kinds of processed or canned foods
• Don't consume more carbohydrates than necessary in your kidney diet and this includes such carbs like pasta, white rice, biscuits, white sugar, white rice, and pasta.
Do's of a kidney diet
• Do take enough fluids to keep concentration of minerals such as calcium and sodium on the kidney low. These will to ensure proper kidney functioning, prevent dehydration which is the common cause of kidney stones in the renal tubes, and detoxify the kidney as well.
• Do adopt a balanced diet for renal disease which comprises fresh vegetables, whole grains, and lean meat as well as water. Greens and fruits rich in vitamins improve cell metabolism and functioning of organs.
• Do take fiber or incorporate fibre rich meals and whole grains in your renal diet which are low in carbs but promote general health and boost kidney functioning.
• Do eat moderately and develop healthy eating habits to ensure that your body gets the right supply of minerals and nutrients.
• Do eat vegetables and fruits as often as you can and incorporate them in your kidney diet plan to boost your immunity and cell metabolism
• Do use low-fat milk products such as milk powder if you have to use them instead of using milk with cream or fat.
• Do use mono unsaturated fat or natural fat when cooking and lower the amount of fat that you consume per day in your meals.
• Do embrace active and vibrant life to reduce obesity or abnormal weight, boost functioning of renal diet, and promote good body metabolism and kidney functioning. Exercise ensures blood circulation to kidney and boosts activities such as detoxification and filtering.
Undertaking a kidney diet is crucial to full recovery from your kidney problem. Not adhering to the guidelines could lead to the prolonging or worsening of the renal problem. Seek a doctor's advice before beginning any kidney diet program.
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Are you struggling with your kidney diet, or looking for a better more proven kidney diet?
A kidney disease diet [http://renalkidneyproblems.com/reverse-kidney-disease-with-a-kidney-disease-diet/], like any diet, can be hard to stick to and actually be a hard process, especially when facing this changing and completely challenging new lifestyle in order to recover from your kidney problems [http://renalkidneyproblems.com/]. Click the links to find out more details about proven kidney diets.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6493949