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Type 2 Diabetes – Four Superfoods To Help Improve Your Health

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With the advent of fast food chains and TV dinners, the idea of fresh vegetables and healthy foods was essentially forgotten by many. But we are now seeing a resurgence of interest in healthy foods with green markets setting up, and organic foods being sold in supermarkets.

Food choices are important to health and superfoods contain nutrients essential to good health. There are many of them and if you can add them to your regular diet, you'll be able to maintain good health. Here are four superfoods to add to your diet...


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Broccoli is one of the kings of the superfoods. One cup of broccoli has...

Broccoli contains phytonutrients called indoles that help guard against cancer of the prostate, skin, lung, esophagus and breast. It also reduces your risk of heart disease and helps to treat any inflammation in your eyes.

You can eat broccoli raw or cooked but if you do cook it, some of the elements that fight cancer are reduced. Lightly steaming is the best way to prepare this superfood.

Kale has 1328% of the RDA for vitamin K in just one cup. It also has twice the amount of vitamin A and almost the same for vitamin C. It has seven times the amount of beta-carotene as broccoli and ten times the amount of zeaxanthin. It also contains high levels of iron and calcium.

Kale is an anti-inflammatory agent. The vitamin K in this vegetable guards against heart disease, builds stronger bones and increases the detoxifying enzymes in your body to fight off colon, cervical and breast cancers. Kale is also helpful in reducing lung congestion.

Cabbage contains vitamins C and K. One cup contains...

Cabbage is full of antioxidants to fight free radicals and detoxify your body's carcinogens before cancerous cells form. Eating plenty of cabbage reduces your risk of bladder, breast, colon, lung and ovarian cancer.

Cabbage strengthens your bones, cares for your gastrointestinal health and is helpful in treating colds, constipation, ulcers, depression, irritability, arthritis and can be used also as a poultice for varicose veins and bedsores.

Beans are versatile because there are many different types. They have a very low-GI and help control blood sugar and blood fats. They help improve your digestion, help control diarrhea, constipation, blood pressure, rheumatism, kidney stones, laryngitis, blood poisoning and alcoholism.

Beans help...

Beans are rich in Vitamins B1, B2 and K, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and potassium. They're among the most versatile of foods you can find.

Taking steps to make sure you get adequate amounts of antioxidants, may mean you do not develop Type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. By making simple changes to your daily routine, its possible to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes and limbs from the damage often caused by high blood sugar, and eliminate many of the complications you may already experience.

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For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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