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Posts tagged as “Foods”

The problem of food

Without doubt, the greatest problem confronting the human race is that of food. In order to exist, every person must eat; but eating simply to keep life in the body is not enough. Aside from this, the…

How many of these food-safety rules do you follow

Food safety is highly important. By following food safety rules, you will have a better chance of staying healthy and preventing food-borne illness. There are many myths floating around that give people false ideas about food safety.…

How Long Can Food Be Left Out?

Special care needs to be taken when food is left at room temperature. Some food can be left on the counter indefinitely, whereas other types have limits as to how long you can do so safely. Here…

Facts about Food Safety

Food safety is of utmost importance as there are many things that can go wrong. There are also a lot of incorrect facts floating around about food safety, so it is important to know the truth. Here…

Foods that give you energy

One of the best ways to treat any type of exhaustion, beside hydration, is by eating the right type of food so that you can keep your energy balanced all day long. One thing to understand about…

Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Quickly

One of the more frightening things that we need to deal with is high blood pressure. Not only can it cause serious problems, such as stroke and heart attack but it also tends to sneak up on…