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Posts published in June 2023

Do You Know Your Risk Factors For Diabetes?

While many people are becoming aware of the prevalence of diabetes in the United States, many people still do not know the diabetes risk factors that put them at risk of developing the disease. If you are concerned…

Fibromyalgia Symptoms & Treatments

Fibromyalgia is a very puzzling disease, due to the fact that there are so many fibromyalgia symptoms that one can experience when they are suffering from this illness. Many times symptoms take on the appearance of other…

Chronic Kidney Diseases – Available Natural Remedies

Kidney problems or renal failure can appear due to certain factors. Here is a list of the most common ones: - Taking more than the counter drugs or other prescriptions ( in order to obtain a longer…

Blood Sugar Levels and the Type of Fruit to Eat

When you were first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes you learned the extra weight you put on over many years, played a large role in you developing type 2. Carrying fat around your abdominal area led to…

Manage Anxiety Before Anxiety Manages You

Learning how to manage anxiety is a critical skill in life. I say this because an out of control anxiety attack or panic attack is the result. And I completely understand that some people have a better…