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Posts published in October 2021

How Can I Prevent Prediabetes From Turning Into Type 2 Diabetes? Pre-diabetes means you probably have higher than normal blood-sugar levels but, fortunately, not high enough to be classed as being diabetic. However it does mean that you are susceptible to developing type 2 diabetes and heart…

What risks can high blood pressure cause?

To Have some idea of the scale of the problem that high blood pressure can cause, think about it this way. Every single blood vessel in your body, every area where blood is present is under increased…

How to Prevent Our Kidneys From Malfunctioning

The kidney supplies Vitamin D3, a good source of calcium for the gastrointestinal tract. The parathyroid hormones control calcium and phosphorus absorption. Excessive production can lead to renal malfunction or kidney failure. Causes of Kidney FailurePre-renal causes…

The Secrets of Diabetes Control

Living with diabetes can be extremely difficult. Almost everything you do and every part of how your body functions affects your diabetes, often much more than you may realize. For these reasons, good diabetes control demands your…