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Posts published in May 2021

What are 10 things you can do to prevent cancer?

According to the National Cancer Institute, roughly 1/3 of all cancer deaths may be ascribed to our diets. The advocated diet isn't elaborate or expensive. There are a lot of foods and even spices that may very…

Symptoms and Treatment for Alzheimer and Dementia

Millions of people have Alzheimer’s disease. The older a person gets the higher risk they are. Alzheimer’s/dementia can be inhered from other family members, a head injury; even high blood pressure can put you into the high-risk…

Surgical vs. natural teeth whitening solutions

Its believed that the natural ways of getting whiter teeth is safer then the surgical techniques. The most common natural method for getting the spotless teeth is flossing and brushing properly. These are evolved as the long…

How Does drinking water help you look younger?

There is nothing more important for our bodies than to stay as hydrated as possible! All of us have a deep requirement for hydration on a daily basis. We can only live a few days without water,…

How to overcome phone addiction?

The modern world has introduced many wonderful inventions that have made life more convenient.Household chores that once took all day to complete can be finished within an hour; traveling far distances that once took weeks to cross…

What causes carnitine deficiency?

L-Carnitine deficiency can cause health problems, such as fatigue and weight problems. Although initially L-Carnitine deficiency causes minor problems, in the long-term L-Carnitine deficiency can contribute to more serious health problems. Heart Disease is among the more…

How are low Glycemic Index foods beneficial in diabetes?

The popular Low Glycemic Index Diet is certainly nothing new and is proven to work both as a weight loss plan and in controlling diabetes. An astounding number of Americans currently suffer from diabetes, a good majority…

Eczema and Your Emotions

We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t have emotions, both positive and negative. When we suffer from eczema, however, our unresolved emotional life can cause havoc.Taking care of the self becomes critical to our skin health. Every…

Should diabetics follow a low carb diet?

Following a low carb diabetic diet is sometimes recommended to those that suffer from this illness. But is it healthy? Well it really depends on how the individual interprets low carb. The British Dietetic Association and the…