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Posts published in November 2022

A Diabetic Rash – Identifying the Signs of Diabetes

Did you know there are a number of symptoms that show you may have diabetes? If you've developed a rash that is raised or darkened you may have what's referred to as a diabetes rash, a precursor…

How Diabetes Affects Your Skin!

Type 2 diabetes is a whole body problem. In other words, it doesn't just affect one small portion of your body. Instead, it can have complications throughout many of your different organ systems, including your skin. The…

What Are the Main Signs of Kidney Failure

Initially kidney failure may go unnoticed. In some cases there may be no signs of the condition early on. In other cases, the symptoms are shared with numerous other diseases and conditions. These early symptoms may include…

Protein Principles for Diabetes

Dietary considerations can present a Hobson's choice in diabetes. Even when the intake is nutritious, assimilating it can be another matter. Then there is the problem of progression of diabetic complications if one ends up with excess…

Are Carb Blockers the Best Weight Loss Option for Diabetics

If you've been looking at the different supplements available for fat loss and bodyweight management, you have likely come across quite a few different options. Fat burners, energy boosters, and now... "carb blockers." This last one may…

Is Kidney Damage Reversible

Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD is a health condition to be concerned about. It is defined as the loss in the kidney's ability to filter wastes from the bloodstream. The malady is of a progressive nature. The…

Fruits and Root Vegetables Control Signs of Diabetes

Fruits and root vegetables are rich sources of minerals, vitamins, fiber and photochemical. Research studies have proved that diabetic patients who avoid eating root vegetables and fruits like carrots, potatoes or beets are at an increased risk…

Kidney Damage and High Blood Pressure

The most serious complication of diabetes involving the urinary tract is nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is kidney damage that occurs in 20 to 30% of people with type 2 diabetes. If no action is taken to stop it,…