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Posts tagged as “Health”

Are you sick?

In western cultures, sickness has traditionally been defined as physical, medical or mental. While western psychology and psychiatry have progressed quite a bit over the years, there's still a long held impression in the medical community regarding…

How can I have a healthy lifestyle?

It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for everyone. Creating a positive mental state, making healthy food choices, and partaking in regular physical activity are all major factors to your overall well being. When you…

Why is it important to walk?

Walking is perhaps the easiest way to take care of your health. With just 30 minutes of walking on a daily basis, most people can improve cardiovascular fitness, reduce excess body fat, strengthen bones and enhance muscle…

5 Common Detox Side Effects

Do you suffer from fatigue, skin problems, or do you just feel unhealthy?  If so, you may have heard that a body detox or cleanse is the answer to your problems.  Yes, it can be.  However, before…