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Posts tagged as “Smoothies”

7 Healthy Smoothie Recipes

The best time to drink a smoothie will be upon waking. The second best time to drink a smoothie will be after a workout session. Do make regular exercise a part of your lifestyle and finish it…

6 Common Smoothie Mistakes to Avoid

Smoothies are safe and beneficial to one’s health. However, they must be consumed in moderation. Anything that is taken to excess can be detrimental. There are a few mistakes that people make unknowingly when making smoothies. The…

How to make the perfect smoothie?

A smoothie is a thick beverage blend of different vegetables and fruits. Green smoothies use green vegetables such as spinach, celery cucumbers, green apples, etc. The beauty of a smoothie is that you get many different nutrients,…

What are the best greens you should use for smoothies?

Not all green vegetables and fruits are created equal. When making a green smoothie, it’s best to use vegetables that have the most nutrients to pack a punch. I mean, You want to get the best benefits…

What is the difference between juicing and smoothies?

Smoothies and juices are both loaded with nutrients and taste fabulous. While they do have the same properties as the fruits or vegetables in their raw form, their being in liquid form have different textures and appearances.…

5 Must Have Power Foods for Slimming Smoothies

If you are serious about losing weight, you will find some scrumptious ideas and ingredients through this article. In fact, they are so tasty you can't imagine they are so healthy. Isn't it wonderful to think that…