If you think back to your middle school days, specifically when you were learning about chlorophyll, you probably remember playing with algae. Well, there’s a reason to start playing with it again, as an adult: natural skincare!
Chlorella vulgaris, which is the scientific word for algae, is chockfull of beta carotene and lutein, which are minerals that your body needs. Beta carotene is an anti-aging miracle nutrient, thanks to the high levels of antioxidants. No wonder your parents made you eat so many carrots as a kid!
But what is lutein, and why is it good for you?
More than ever, we are feeling our deep connection to one another. Cell phones, tablets, computers, and technological advancements leave your loved ones at the touch of a button. Chances are, you spend a good amount of your day staring at some type of screen.
That can show in your eyes.
Lutein works as a barrier from blue light exposure for your eyes, which is exactly the type of light that hits you when you stare at screens. In addition to being used as a natural barrier, it also does double duty for your skin.
This amazing antioxidant actually increases both skin hydration and elasticity!
The benefits of algae in terms of skincare:
1. Detoxifying
2. Moisturizing
3. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
And the best part is, algae isn’t specific to just one type of skin. Which means that it doesn’t matter if yours is oily or dry, you can still reap the benefits.
While there are plenty of natural skincare products that contain algae, consider buying some powdered algae and making your own face mask at home.
Just mix 1/4 cup of the powder with, either 2 tablespoons of olive oil (for dry skin), or 2 tablespoons of clay (for oily skin. Add your favorite essential oil, some water, and apply to your clean face. Relax for 20 minutes and then rinse off. Make this a regular part of your skincare routine to see the long-term benefits of algae!