Like any other disease, diabetes attacks your health with some persistent and noticeable warning signs of increased blood sugar. What are the diabetes warning signs? Diabetes escalates rapidly and the blood sugar levels shoot up. If you don't care for these warning signs, then you are to run the risk of increased blood glucose excessively. Type 1 diabetes develops typically during early or later childhood and Type 2 diabetes is more common which appears at any age. It is the result of poor diet and laziness, so you can cure type 2 diabetes naturally.
Whether the diabetes attack is of type I or type 2, you should have constant care over the same. It is most important that you start proper treatment on having noticed any signs that are warning you. Detecting the warning signs of diabetes at an early stage will help lessen the complications that develop in your body. A timely treatment can save you from getting your blood sugar increased. The major warning signs that are commonly noticeable are as below.
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Increased thirst and frequent urination: These two signs of warning, triggering each other, are very common with most of the diabetic patients. The thirst gets abnormally increased and doesn't seem to be satisfied. Increased thirst and disturbed sleep during night getting up several times for frequent urination are the most common warning signs of presence of sugar in the blood. These signs indicate the presence of excess glucose deposited in the blood which is getting away as a waste product through frequent urination.
Increased hunger and weight loss: You feel excessive hunger and appetite for food to eat at once. When you have blood sugar, whatever food you take does not undergo the conversion process into energy. It's almost a starved condition which makes your body suddenly lose weight. This weight loss can be seen quite abnormal.
Extreme fatigue and blurred vision: Extreme tiredness follows when the carbohydrates in the food are not absorbed by the blood for conversion into energy. This makes you attain extreme fatigue condition. This feeling of having increased tiredness and blurred vision, even without change of routine lifestyle, are identified as diabetes warning signs. Sometimes such a condition of blurred vision will cause to affect your vision leading to total blindness. So, immediate medical care should neither be ignored nor postponed.
Unhealed wounds and infections: Repeated or sustained wounds and sores that do not heal are common with increase of blood sugar. There is chance for bladder infections when the condition is not cared for and controlled. With some cases, gum and tooth infections can also be seen. These are the usual warning signs due to loss of immunity power to the body.
Tingling sensations and frozen shoulders: Tingling sensations in the hands and feet due to uncontrolled blood circulation are experienced. Frozen shoulders are common warning signs felt by some diabetic patients. If the tingling sensations are ignored, they will spread further and worsen your diabetic condition.
Following the diabetes warning signs, if you are able to identify what causes diabetes you can prevent all future risks and control your blood sugar. When you happen to experience any of the above mentioned signs as warning, don't hesitate to visit your doctor to check up your blood sugar levels and get instant treatment.
Controlling diabetes is an art. If you wish to be successful with natural cures following early symptoms of diabetes, you should know the full description of Diabetic Foods to Eat AND Diabetes Foods to Avoid.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2116229