When it comes to diseases and medication, there are as many good and bad results as there are people and prescriptions. That said, because I work with people with diabetes I have been researching these meds and I don't like what I've found.
Possible the most prestigious-albeit not without conflicts of interest-medical journals is The Journal of the American Medical Association. In a recent issue celebrating advances in medicine over the past 200 years, an article on diabetes was included. The author celebrates the discovery of insulin and at the same time laments the fact that "little progress has been made toward conquering the disease during the past 200 years, and we are arguably worse off now than we were in 1812." The population with diabetes is 75% higher now than it was 20 years ago. For those who are on medication for diabetes, who coach people to health and reversing diabetes, or who are paying attention to what's happening in the world of our brethren and sistern it's easy to see that whatever we are currently doing is not getting people well.
Check out these related articles, too:
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In fact many diabetics and pre-diabetics become trapped on a track of ever increasing doses of meds that have side effects including increased risk of cardiovascular disease, weak and brittle bones, and weight gain.
The cardiovascular risk was proven in a prominent study, called Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD). It was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of various medication regimens in reducing heart attacks, strokes, and death from cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. One arm of the study tested the widely held assumption that more aggressive lowering of blood sugar would provide greater protection against heart disease. In fact this assumption proved to be dead wrong. The study was halted 18 months early. Dr. Julian Whitaker wrote in his newsletter, "Intensive blood sugar lowering treatment proved to be so harmful that the researchers halted this arm of the study 18 months early to prevent this aggressive drug use from killing even more people."
You don't see that on the warning label. Yet heart disease of all stripes is the most common secondary condition for diabetics.
Diabetes drugs either lower/suppress insulin or lower blood sugar. Some drugs both lower blood sugar and push the pancreas to produce more insulin. Think about how this might affect the pancreas. How long can you push someone to do their work faster and for longer before they quit or die? It's becoming more common now for people with Type-2 diabetes present with Type-1. Why? The islet cells of the pancreas are taxed to the point of exhaustion.
And think about this. If you need insulin to get blood sugar into cells where it can be used for energy but you lower the amount in the body of a person with high sugar, how will the body cope with all that extra sugar? Diabetes by the way, according to metabolic expert Dr. Ron Rosedale, Diabetes is not a blood sugar disease. So, drugs that focus on the symptom of elevated blood sugar, rather than addressing the underlying cause, are doomed to fail in most cases. "Type 2 diabetes is a disease caused by insulin resistance and faulty leptin signaling (leptin is a hormone produced in your fat cells), both of which are regulated through your diet." Says Rosedale.
I casually threw weight gain in up there in the side effects category. Did you know that? If a drug increases insulin-the storage hormone-there will be more fat storage. Some of these pills also cause water retention. This can affect blood pressure as well a weight.
Is there any good news for diabetics?
Of course, and it's easier than remembering which meds to take when and monitoring side effects. Make changes in your lifestyle habits and ignore the conventional recommendations on this.
Eating small meals throughout the day may not work for those with insulin resistance or too little insulin. Any foods that spike blood sugar should be taken out of the diet at least until you get well. This includes white, wheat, rice, soy, and other flour products with the exception of coconut flour or nut flours. Take a break from sugar of all kinds for 7 days and see what happens to your fasting blood sugar number.
I guarantee it will improve in just 7 days or less. Watch the amount of food you eat at one time but don't go hungry. Ensure you are eating plenty of healthy fats, clean protein, and as many non-starchy vegetables as you want. Include some fruit with a meal or some fat. Other than green apples don't eat fruit on its own as a snack. We are aiming for blood sugar balance throughout the day so insulin can do its job and the system can return to stasis.
The final major league magic bullet is exercise. Just ten minutes of walking after a meal helps use up circulating blood sugar. The more you move the more you help your whole hormonal system return to normal.
Bring awareness to your choices throughout the day. Eat slowly, savor each flavor, color and texture. Notice when you are getting full. All of this takes support but won't it be worth is when Big Pharma isn't gambling with your health while lining their pockets?
Doctors from all over the world who include an open mind in their practice will tell you that diabetes is close to 100% reversible.
No one ever got sick from a lack of prescription medication and when it comes to disease, for the most part, they don't get well either.
Choose life even when it's harder than taking a pill. You'll feel a whole lot better in the long run and you might even get a longer run.
Diabetes and heart disease are more common than ever and many mainstream medical associations would like you to believe they are not reversible--it's a lie! If you want to learn how to change your diagnosis and throw away your meds I recommend you join the Rebellious Wellness community to learn the truth about food, health, and living on your terms. Gregory Anne Cox is a midlife woman's no BS health and life coach. If it's time to get well and look and feel your best at last visit her at [http://www.RebelliousWellness.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8953727