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Posts published in September 2022

When Diabetes is Not Diabetes

Mention the word diabetes and the vast majority of people will assume that you are talking about either type 1 diabetes, which affects about 10% of diabetes sufferers, or type 2 diabetes, which is the most commonly…

Why Does the Blood Sugar Level Go High

The critical problem caused by all types of diabetes comes down to the same thing. All systems in the body are starving to death. They are not getting the sugar they need to do their work. The…

Natural Supplements for Women’s Health: Blood Sugar

One of the problems that women face is blood sugar. There are a number of factors that can cause high blood sugar levels. Pregnancy and menopause change estrogen levels which affect metabolism and how body processes fat.…

Taking a Vitamin D Supplement to Help Control Blood Sugar

People who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes often have low levels of vitamin D. Researchers at Shandong University in Jinan, China, tested vitamin D as a possible treatment for the condition. Their study, reported on…

Diabetic Eye Disease: What Is It All About?

Diabetic eye disease is referred to as a disease of the small blood vessels of the retina of the eye in people with diabetes. It is a term that covers a range of eye problems that when…

Diabetes and Blood Sugar Dysfunctions

Approximately 55% of American are overweight, a sign of metabolic syndrome. In addition, 25% of thin people have insulin resistance, the cornerstone of metabolic syndrome. Based on these numbers, more that 65% of American adults either have…

Delicious Poisons That Every Diabetic Must Avoid

In the 1930s, physicians considered many of our degenerative diseases to be due to a failure of our endocrine system known as insulin resistant diabetes. The severe derangement of the body's blood sugar control system was understood…

Diabetic Nerve Damage – Learn to Stop and Reverse It Now

Diabetes is a serious disease and without proper control excess blood sugar can cause nerve and organ damage to your body. One of the biggest problems is that the nerve damage is a slow and degenerative process.…