Read this article to know what type of Diabetes Exercises are useful and how they benefit.
Diabetes mellitus is a condition or metabolic disorder where the body is in problem of taking glucose from the blood and delivering it to the rest of the body so that it can be used as energy.
Type I diabetes is recognized by the pancreas making too little or almost no insulin.
Type II diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, is characterized by the pancreas not producing enough insulin to manage glucose levels or the cells not responding to insulin.
It is important for a person who has diabetes to consult with a physician before beginning an exercise program. It is not good for people with diabetes to skip meals at all, but particularly not previous to exercise.
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While insulin has many functions in the body, four are mainly vital during or after exercise:
1) Stimulation of glucose uptake into most cells of the body
2) Reserve of glucose release from the liver
3) Inhibition of the discharge of fatty acids from storage depots
4) Facilitation of protein synthesis in the body.
The usual decline in blood insulin during exercise in people without diabetes and in those with Type 2 DM allows the two most important fuels for exercise, carbohydrates and fats, to be mobilized and used by muscle.
Exercise is also known as physical movement and includes anything that gets you moving. Exercise causes the body to process glucose faster, which lowers blood sugar level.
So the question is what kind of Diabetes Exercise is suitable for diabetes control.
1. Aerobic exercise -
Aerobic exercise helps increases heart and breathing rate. This makes one breathe more sincerely and also makes the heart effort harder. It is fine to plan for a total of about 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. Some of the examples of aerobic exercises: -
Take a fast walk either outside or on a treadmill
- Cycling
- Dance classes
- Swimming
- Jogging
- Tennis or badminton
2. Strength training -
Strength training, done numerous times a week, helps build strong bones and muscles. It can be done in following way
- You can join a gym to do strength training with weights or the alternative is to lift light weights at home
3. Flexibility exercises -
Flexibility exercises or stretching exercises helps keep joints flexible and also reduces the probability of injury during other activities. Gentle stretching for 10 to 15 minutes helps the body to warm up, as well as get prepared for aerobic activities.
4. Be on the move all through the day -
Being energetic helps burns calories. For this you can do following in daily life:
« Walk instead of driving whenever probable.
« Take the stairs in place of the elevator
« Work in the garden
« Park your car ½ kilometer before the market begin and go market by walking.
Exercise is necessary whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Exercise has the potential for diabetes control by non medical means, reduce the severity of the disease, and significantly reduce the risk of long-term complications. Exercise can mean the dissimilarity between "medical management" and "lifestyle management" of Type 2 diabetes.
Exercise will greatly help an individual with type II diabetes because of its helpful effects on insulin sensitivity. Exercise involving heavy weights may be terrible for people with blood pressure, blood vessel, or eye problems.
Diabetes Exercise, along with good nutrition, helps decrease body fat, which helps control glucose metabolism. Exercise and good nutrition provide real physical payoffs--they are essential to controlling diabetes. Exercise can help prolong your life and get better the quality of your added months and years.
Glucose levels should be tested before, and after exercise (but after 3 to 5 hours). Proper Diabetes Exercise and nutrition are the best forms of avoidance for type II diabetics.
Aerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and, along with proper nutrition, helps reinstate normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat. Don't exercise outdoors on very hot or moist days. To avoid dehydration, drink a cup of cold water before and after you exercise. A personal trainer can help to set up a program for the Type 2 diabetic and help them to exercise properly. People with diabetes must use extra care in preparing for exercise plan because they lack insulin (Type 1 DM) or because the insulin they have is defective in its ability to stimulate glucose uptake (Type 2 DM).
The author has an exclusive website on Diabetes Information. To get complete details on Diabetes Exercise visit http://www.diabetesmellitus-information.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/653075