Almost no matter your current health, you can get back to normal blood sugar ranges and roll back many of the effects of diabetes. Diabetes research is progressing rapidly. There's no reason for you not to lead a healthy life.
Read on for just a couple critical lessons for reversing or preventing the effects of high blood sugar.
Learn the symptoms of type 1 diabetes. You'll have frequent urination because your urine will be thickened with glucose, so much that you'll be outside your normal blood sugar ranges and your kidneys won't be able to take it all out and return it to your bloodstream. When your glucose reaches more than 180 mg/dl your body will draw moisture out of your blood in an attempt to thin your urine.
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The water and sugar fills your bladder. Your frequent urination will cause you to be thirsty often as your body dehydrates. You'll begin to lose weight as your body breaks down muscle and fat to replace the energy that would normally come from the sugar you're peeing out.
You'll get hungrier. Even though you'll have an excess of sugar in your blood, you'll lack the insulin that helps your cells accept it. So your cells will begin to starve in the midst of plenty. That surfeit of available energy will lead you to get weak as well.
When you see these signs, consult your physician for to get on a regimen of diet, exercise, monitoring and testing that will turn your readings around.
Take the diagnosis as a call to action, there's a lot you can do. If your physician tells you to take insulin, it probably means your pancreas can't produce enough even when stimulated by oral drugs. But it doesn't mean you're slipping downhill destined to die early. And insulin itself doesn't cause all the complications you've heard about.
First of all, using insulin is often a short term monitor for people who can't take oral drugs because you are sick or don't tolerate them well. Following the regimen you set up with your physician, losing weight, and/or trying one of the new medications can help a lot.
Some people can even come off the insulin altogether. If you're elderly, you may not need to keep so tight a rein on your insulin use because you'll have less concern about complications developing.
Listen, diabetes is a lifestyle disease. Your past habits are healing you or harming you. And the only way to match your habits to your glucose meter readings is with a blood glucose log.
Get a really nice glucose log absolutely FREE, that will help you get back to your normal blood sugar ranges [http://diabeteslifestyle.info] and stay there so you stop the damage as soon as possible and start to heal.
You'll also get FREE offers tailored your needs, exclusive access to diabetes experts, special diabetic recipes, and a community of people who are thriving in the midst of diabetes, all right here for you at [http://diabeteslifestyle.info]
* Always check your medical decisions with your medical team.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2948786