Lowering high blood sugar is essential for diabetes sufferers because this is the only way in which they can keep the disease under control and avoid complications. High blood sugar should never be left untreated because the consequences can be dangerous and even lethal. It is compulsory to stick to the treatment scheme that your physician has recommended, but you can also try some herbal remedies for coping with the disease.
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Ask for medical advice before starting any type of natural cure because interactions between drugs and herbs might turn out dangerous for your overall health condition. Make sure to inform your doctor about all the anti-diabetic pills you are taking and also about the herbal remedies in order for him to be able to establish any possible interactions.
In order to lower high blood sugar, you can try one of the following herbal remedies -
1. Blond Plantago - It is recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes and it also lowers the level of cholesterol. In patients with type 1 diabetes it also seems to lower the level of postprandial glucose.
2. Bitter melon - It is also called "vegetable insulin" because of its anti-diabetic properties. It contains at least three substances that lower high blood sugar and it should be administered with caution by patients who are already on anti-diabetic drugs.
3. Devil's claw - Studies have shown that it has additive effects with anti-diabetic prescribed pills. The roots of this plant are the ones that contain glucose reducing compounds.
4. Gymnema sylvestre - The ancient name of this herb means "destroyer of sugar". It is effective both in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
5. Kudzu - It was widely used in the Japanese and Chinese medicine. It has hypoglycemic properties, but it also contains compounds that lower the cholesterol and that have anti-oxidant effects.
6. Red sandalwood - Made known by the Indian medicine, it has properties similar with those of gymnema sylvestre. This means that it has a tonic effect on the beta cells of the pancreas. The action of this herb is similar with those of anti-diabetic pills in what concerns lowering of blood sugar.
7. Ginger - It increases the insulin level in the body and it might interact with prescribed pills leading to hypoglycemia, if not administered under medical supervision.
8. Holy basil - Extract from the leaves decreases the level of postprandial glucose.
Read about Diabetes Natural Treatment [http://www.diabetes-natural-treatment.com] and its benefits. Know how Diabetes Supplement helps control blood sugar levels naturally.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4941574