People who suffer from kidney disease can rejoice-they won't have to worry about restricting the food intake or live with restricting questionable foods anymore. This diet helps ensure the survivability of their kidneys, in addition to keeping the rest of their body smoothly running. The diet we're talking about is no secret - it's called the renal or kidney diet.
The term renal refers to anything involving the kidneys, hence the alternative name renal diet. These diets typically get prescribed to kidney patients, according to how much their condition has progressed.
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If you're suffering from kidney failure, it's best to consult with your doctor or dietitian about what kind of kidney diet you'll need to consume on a daily basis. Kidney diets are formulated to control essential minerals and nutrients of the body.
So, what are the secrets to managing your kidney diet? To start, when your kidney disease progresses into later stages, you will have to stop consuming certain amounts of:
- Fluids.
- Phosphorus.
- Potassium.
In addition, some not so secretive things you need to know, in regards to your diet includes:
Managing alkaline levels, which help nourish your weakened kidneys.
Avoiding fluids that either "contaminate" the kidneys, deprive the body of fluids and nutrients, or impair the entire body, especially if you've consumed a lot.
Remaining dedicated to your diet.
You'll also need to stop consuming certain foods like red meats, various dairy products, alcohol, many gluten based products, highly processed foods, and sugar. These foods can negatively affect your kidneys if you're suffering from kidney failure, causing other problems for your kidneys and surrounding organs.
You can, however, add the following foods to your kidney diet:
* Fruits- peaches, pears, apples, pineapples, blueberries, grapes.
* Vegetables-cabbage, mushrooms, radishes, iceberg lettuce, cauliflower.
* Proteins-chicken, tofu and some types of fish.
* Other foods-white rice, olives, hummus, macadamia nuts, flaxseed oil.
Once you've sorted out your dietary essentials, you'll have start monitoring your intake of nutrients and minerals, like your sodium and proteins. A doctor or dietitian can help you figure out how much of each nutrient and minerals you need to consume within your diet.
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One of the best kidney diet secrets involves getting your blood tested, which lets you find out how much nutrients and minerals you actually need. If you get your blood tested, you and a doctor will be able to determine the amount of nutrients and minerals you need in your daily diet. Remember-staying on track when undertaking a kidney diet ensures the health of your kidneys.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7271946