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Posts tagged as “Diabetes”

Specific Exercises You Can Use As a Natural Diabetes Treatments

Analysis and Specific Exercise for Each Cause: Diabetes during pregnancy: Diabetes during pregnancy is common even in women with no past history of diabetic symptoms or of normal weight. Gestational diabetes may come as a shock in…

What is The Easiest Way To Manage Diabetes?

The management of diabetes is progressively evolving. The latest medical and technological advances-including ones involving the Internet-have begun providing the 18.2 million Americans affected by this disease with the kind of freedom few dreamed of not all…

The Meaning of Your Blood Sugar Numbers

Measuring your blood sugar is now a super simple test you can do at home on your own. It is the single most important test to know when you have diabetes, when you don't (because you have…

What is Diabetic Dermopathy?

Diabetic Dermopathy is a condition which is also known as Diabetic Skin Disease. The skin condition usually presents with light brown or tan or reddish to pink, round or oval, somewhat scaly patches mostly appearing on the…

Effective Natural Remedies For Diabetes

Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy for daily life requirements. It is still a mystery the cause of diabetes although…

Diabetes and Headaches: Yes They Are Related

Who hasn't gotten a headache ever? I know there will be no one who could rise up a hand. Most often we ignore headaches and try to suppress it with aspirin or paracetamol but do you know…

Help For Skin Problems in Diabetes

Many conditions involve the skin and are unique to the person diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes because of the treatment and complications of the disease. The way cells and biological molecules work is continually…

How To Control Your Diabetes For Life?

Here's what researchers know about controlling blood glucose (blood sugar) in people with diabetes: It's not easy, but it can be done. It takes hard work. And it can save your life. An important new study by…

Diabetes Symptoms- Knowing the Types of Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition featuring unusually high levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is used by the body to lower blood glucose levels. If someone’s pancreas doesn’t generate enough insulin, their body…