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Posts tagged as “Diabetic Diet”

Using Supplements for Diabetes Treatment

America and many parts of the world are deficient in many of the essential nutrients for vibrant health. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other degenerative diseases are taking a toll on the health of millions around…

Adjusting Your Diabetic Diet for Special Occasions

Birthday parties, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and more are holidays and special occasions that are centered on food. For most people these are times to anticipate the celebration and the eating. For a diabetic it can be a…

What meal planning should a diabetic use?

Physical activity is recommended for any person to stay healthy. But for a diabetic it now only increases energy levels and can help maintain an ideal body weight it also helps to control blood sugars. But an…

Benefits of a Healthy Diabetic Diet

Benefits of eating a healthy diet are for everyone but for a diabetic there can be even more reasons to follow a nutritious meal plan. Keeping a stable blood glucose level is the biggest reason for a…

How are low Glycemic Index foods beneficial in diabetes?

The popular Low Glycemic Index Diet is certainly nothing new and is proven to work both as a weight loss plan and in controlling diabetes. An astounding number of Americans currently suffer from diabetes, a good majority…