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Posts tagged as “Diabetic Foot”

Orthotic Treatment for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Foot ulcers are among the commonest complications of diabetes. According to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, United States, 60 percent of foot amputations in the US occur in people with diabetes. Eighty-five percent of those…

Save the Diabetic Foot

A Diabetic patient becomes very careful about regular Blood Sugar monitoring and the necessary medication but is ignorant about realizing that a minor problem in his foot un- noticed can in due course of time progress to…

Common Diabetic Foot Issues

Diabetes is a serious health epidemic affecting millions of Americans. New advancements in technology have been able to better diagnose diabetes and more is being learned about the health condition than in decades past. While diabetes can…

Diabetic Foot Complications and Treatment

Injury to the foot of a diabetic is the number one cause for amputation to occur and it is 15 times more likely for a diabetic patient to undergo an amputation then a non diabetic. The leading…