Your kidneys process the blood and helps to sift out waste products and all other toxins and extra water.
The waste and extra water become urine. The urine then flows to your bladder through the ureters. Your bladder stores urine until you go to the bathroom. When your kidneys become overloaded with toxins, kidneys diseases and bladder can happen as you are unable to discharge the waste and urine from your body.
When you do kidney cleansing, you help to cleanse the toxin built-up from the kidneys and the bladder. A cleansed kidney works optimally in its function to filter out pollutants, drugs, chemicals and other harmful materials. When you do a kidney cleanse, you also help to eliminate urinary tract infections and dissolves kidney stones.
Check out these related articles, too:
Kidney Foods Diet For Hemodialysis
Renal Diet – Controversial Diet That Kidney Patients Should Know About
What are the best drinks for your kidneys
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What are some of the other functions of the kidneys? Other than being vital in the elimination of metabolic wastes, your kidneys also help to regulate your blood pressure, maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, activates Vitamin D, helps in maintaining acid-base balance (excretes alkaline salts).
How to do a kidney cleanse?
1. Parsley
Parsley is a natural diuretic, which helps cleanse the kidneys, and helps flush out bacteria and germs from the kidneys. You can drink a few cups of parsley tea for about a week to cleanse the kidneys. Here are the ways to prepare it:
Add 1 tablespoon of ground parsley to a cup of boiling water, cover for 5 minutes, and drink.
Mix 1/4 cup of parsley juice with 1/2 cup of water, then add a little honey and lemon juice, and take it twice daily for two weeks.
2. Corn tea
Corn increases urine production to remove waste and toxins from the kidneys, so you can use it to treat bladder and urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Corn also contains many nutrients such as; Protein, fat, and calories, providing you with a good source of energy. You can make corn tea with these steps:
Put two tablespoons of dried corn in a cup. Pour boiling water over, cover for 10 to 15 minutes, then drink. You can drink this tea three times daily.
Make sure to drink plenty of other fluids such as; Water when drinking corn tea to cleanse the kidneys.
3. Nettle
Nettle, despite its stinging taste, helps cleanse the kidneys, due to its diuretic properties that remove metabolic waste from the kidneys, and enhance kidney excretion. To prepare nettle tea, follow these instructions:
Put 2 tablespoons of fresh or dried nettle in a cup of hot water. Leave it covered for 10 minutes, then add a little honey. You can drink this tea twice daily for two weeks.
It is worth noting that you should consult your doctor before taking this herbs, as it may cause high blood pressure in some cases.
To maintain a healthy kidney, begin a regular exercise regime and also avoid alcohol, red meat, smoked meats, canned fish. Continue to drink plenty of water and fluids everyday!