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Posts published in July 2019

Bicep Exercises With No Need for Equipment

Training the biceps with zero equipment is actually quite hard. And the same is also true for the lats and pulling movements in general. A pull up bar – as we said already – can be bought…

What herbs help burn belly fat?

Natural weight loss with herbs can happen if you know which ones can work and are safe for you. They can be a safe alternative if you educate yourself on how they work and how they interact…

What are the main benefits of yoga?

People have been practicing yoga for thousands of years. While the original purpose was to elevate to a greater spiritual level, it became clear that yoga benefits the person as a whole. Modern scientific research has shown…

What is HIIT and why does it work?

Fitness enthusiasts who’re looking for effective ways to get shredded should know about the term ‘HIIT’, also known as High Intensity Interval Training. For most people who are unfamiliar with HIIT, they commonly associate it with panting,…

Kettlebell Workouts For Beginners

If you ask any trainer, they will tell you that kettlebell is here to stay because they have outstanding fitness and postural benefits. It is the one workout technique that can work multiple joints all at the…

How to use a Kettlebell?

There are three major ways in which you can use kettlebells when working out. These include: 1 Warm-ups Kettlebells are the best tools to avoid imbalances and injuries. This is mainly because they will warm up your…

Why being vegetarian is good?

If you’ve eaten meat and animal products your whole life, you might think, why switch to a vegetarian diet? You’ve lived your whole life eating eggs, hamburgers, hot dogs, poultry, so why switch now? There could be…

How much physical activity do children need?

If you have a child of 6 to 8 years old that wants to start exercising and lifting weights, you may find yourself wondering what you should do. While some think it is perfectly fine for children…

How does ginger fight cancer?

According to WebMd, researchers have found ginger able to kill cancer cells in two ways.  In a process called apoptosis, cancer cells kill themselves without harming surrounding healthy cells.  In another process known as autophagy,…