Diabetic patients should be cautious about their glucose levels on a daily basis. This will help safeguard against the disastrous effects that could develop if left unmonitored. Recently, the procedures have become pain-free. They also can be completed quickly before and after meals. When choosing the process that is right for you, you should consider when and where you will be testing. Also, you should consider all of the different types of devices that are offered.
It's critical to plan ahead of time how you will want to conduct the testing. Appropriate testing times should be before and after each meal, while exercising and right before you go to bed. Consider using a bathroom or kitchen in order to ensure proper hygiene and privacy. Find a surface that provides stability for the device. The diabetic test strips and the lancet used should be properly disposed of immediately after each use.
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Type 1 diabetic patients are advised to test themselves no less than three times per day. Type 2 diabetics, whom do not use insulin, do not need to test as often. However, testing should be done at least once per day. Type 2 diabetics use oral medication and diet to control their sugar levels. Also, both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics should conduct the A1C test regularly in order to manage their glucose levels on a long-term basis. It is not advisable to depend on a urine test for glucose results. However, urine tests can detect ketones, which can be a sign of a serious complication of Type 1 diabetes.
There are many types of diabetic glucose meters that are available to meet the many different needs of diabetic patients. Some have large screens to make reading them much easier. Some are audible for those who have vision difficulties. All of these standard machines will require a small blood sample to measure the glucose level. For children, young adolescents and patients with more serious cases, it is advisable to use a machine that can download data directly onto your computer. This ensures a continuous record of your results. It also protects against tampering with the results. There is a new device that has been FDA approved that uses a small electrical current to draw fluid through the skin rather than drawing blood with a needle. Regardless of the device you choose, you should have it checked regularly to make sure it is operating efficiently and correctly. This can be done at the clinic during your visits.
Testing for blood glucose levels on a regular basis can be quite costly for many patients. Many research and development projects are being conducted to try to ensure easier and more affordable means for diabetics. The new methods are becoming less painful which will encourage patients to conduct their own tests regularly. Remember to maintain your diet, exercise regularly and check your blood glucose level at least once every three months even if you are not diabetic. For those with diabetes, you should always follow your doctor's advice.
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