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Posts tagged as “Diabetic Diet”

How To Fight Diabetes Effectively?

With diabetes reaching epidemic levels, it is important to understand how to fight diabetes. Thankfully, it is not always as challenging as many people think. There are 2 big things that you need to keep in mind…

How To Control Your Diabetes For Life?

Here's what researchers know about controlling blood glucose (blood sugar) in people with diabetes: It's not easy, but it can be done. It takes hard work. And it can save your life. An important new study by…

Why Diabetes Skin Care Is So Important

Diabetics can suffer from dry skin, often caused by high or fluctuating blood sugar levels. Not only do high levels cause your body to lose fluid, but diabetes can cause you to sweat less, which is one…

Walk For Diabetes Who’s Your Reason?

Every 21 seconds, someone is diagnosed with diabetes. Every 21 seconds, there is a new reason to walk. Who's your reason? The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has launched a new theme designed to bring the reality of…

Natural Foot Care For Diabetics

Because of the disease diabetes, damage can be caused to blood vessels and nerves in the feet, then circulation may be impaired and infections can form on the feet without the person realizing. This can ultimately cause…

How can family and friends help with diabetes?

Not to be missed in the treatment of diabetes is support from the people we love. In truth, one reference notes that “the quality of a family’s time can be mutually beneficial” in managing diabetes in the…

Diabetes The Other Silent Killer

Figures from the American Diabetic Association show that diabetes is the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S, killing approximately 210000 persons every year. Medical and other related costs can soar over $100 billion a year!!…

Diabetes And The Long Term Dangers

Diabetes has hidden dangers that begin before diagnosis and continue to worsen if certain steps are not taken to prevent the complications that are the true, "killers" in terms of diabetes. Statistics show that there are around…