Fluid and waste soon start to build up in the body when the kidneys aren't working as intended. Over a period of time this can lead to a variety of health problems, including putting more stress on the heart. A practical course of action to minimize this type of problem is to change the daily food intake to make it more kidney-friendly. In the early stages of this disease, the diet can stay relatively unchanged, but when the disease becomes more advanced, it will be necessary to make appropriate changes. For instance, it will benefit to limit the intake of fluids, phosphorus and potassium.
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Potassium is a very common mineral that features in many different food types. This mineral is beneficial for its ability to help the muscles function properly. However, eating a diet that is too rich in potassium can lead to a variety of problems, such as muscle weakness and cramps. There is no set limit on how much potassium is acceptable to the patient with kidney problems, so it will be necessary to get guidance from your doctor to match the specific needs.
However, there are plenty of very acceptable foods with low potassium content. They can include chicken, white breads, lettuce, peppers, cauliflower, pineapples, cranberries and apples.
Phosphorus is a very common type of mineral. It combines with vitamin D and calcium to help maintain the strength of the bones. However, the level of phosphorus is controlled by the healthy kidneys. In the event of the kidneys becoming less effective, there is a risk of phosphorus building up in the blood. Over time this can lead to low bone density.
A simple change in the diet can help to limit phosphorus, but there is also the option to take a phosphate binder which is prescribed by your doctor. When combined with a healthy diet, this is a great option to prevent the phosphorus build up.
While a regular intake of fluids is essential to live, the person suffering with kidney disease may benefit from taking proper control on how much is consumed. The less effective kidneys aren't so useful at clearing excess fluid so drinking less can be helpful. Heart failure, swelling and high blood pressure are a few of the issues associated with too much fluid. Also, there is the risk of the fluid building up in the region of the lungs which makes breathing more difficult.
The need to cut back on fluids can vary with the stage of the disease. Additionally, it would be necessary to limit the intake of foods with a lot of fluid.
Discover more about kidney related issues.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9926188