Getting enough magnesium in your diet could help prevent diabetes, a new study suggests. People who consume high amounts of magnesium in foods and from vitamin supplements are about half as likely to develop diabetes as compared to those who do not take enough magnesium.
It is important to be aware of the correlation between magnesium deficiency and diabetes. Magnesium is of most importance to diabetics because insulin's main job requires magnesium. Without magnesium, insulin is not properly secreted from the pancreas, and what does get into the blood stream, doesn't work properly. Magnesium is required at the cell level, to open pathways into the cell for the entrance of blood sugar. If there is deficiency in magnesium, sugar stays in the bloodstream, and as it becomes elevated, symptoms of diabetes appear. One of the symptoms of diabetes is frequent urination and magnesium levels are elevated in diabetic urine, which results in a vicious cycle of magnesium depletion.
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Studies show that even moderate improvement of blood sugar control in patients with type I diabetes, seems to reduce the loss of magnesium, increase good cholesterol and decrease serum triglycerides. All of this together also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with type I diabetes.
It is interesting to note that magnesium deficiency is also associated with insulin resistance in obese children. When checking the dietary intake of magnesium, it was found that 55 percent of obese children did not get enough magnesium from the foods they ate, compared with only 27 of non-obese children.
Common complications of diabetes include nerve damage, atherosclerosis and heart attacks, damage to small blood vessels in the eyes and kidneys, causing vision loss and kidney disease, foot ulcers and susceptibility to infection, gangrene and amputation and impotence in men. All of these complications relate to magnesium deficiency and from this we can deduct that magnesium supplementation for diabetics is definitely needed.
So, how does a diabetic increase their magnesium levels? First of all, begin by getting more magnesium through diet. Eat plenty of leafy greens and unrefined foods. However, if you are a diabetic on a restricted diet, you may find it hard to get the required amount of magnesium from your food. Oral magnesium supplements like Magnesium Supreme are the obvious choice for diabetics. Magnesium Supreme is a superior supplement with a very high amount of bioavailable magnesium. Transdermal magnesium supplements like Magnesium Rub or Magnesium Gel can also be used. Magnesium Rub is a sea water concentrate, with the sodium removed, and when applied directly to skin, it is absorbed quickly and has a calming effect on the nerves. The gel is essentially the same as the rub, only with gel added to it to give it a silkier feel.
Remember, if you struggle with diabetes, make sure that you are supplementing with magnesium because you lose more than most other people do.
For more information about Diabetes currently, please visit at http://www.magnesiumsupreme.eu/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7213322