The high potassium levels in the blood are usually caused by serious diseases such as kidney failure and diabetes type 1. Apart from being dangerous to the heart, this condition also has unpleasant symptoms. The most natural and beneficial way to regulate the level of this nutrient in your blood is to have a low potassium diet. It is easy to keep and is extremely effective.
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As mentioned above the high potassium levels - a condition formally known as hyperkalemia occurs in cases of very serious illnesses. Having to live with one or more of them is a great strain, but with a lot of courage and faith you can really have a beneficial and complete life.
The hyperkalemia symptoms are not associated with pain, but they can make you feel really bad and prevent you from going about your daily business. The fatigue, weakness and the nausea can make you be completely inefficient in anything you do while the abnormal heart rhythm and paralysis can cause much graver and permanent health problems. That is why you should take the low potassium diet very seriously - adopt it effectively and stick to it determinedly.
The benefits from this type of nutritional plan are many. The low potassium diet can be set up in such a way so that your body receives all the nutrients it needs for functioning properly. In this way you will not only get relief from the symptoms associated with high potassium levels, but will also make your organism strong enough to cure itself in the best way possible or adjust to living with the medical condition you are suffering from. You can accomplish the desired results in two ways - have smaller portions of food and more products that are low in potassium. The reality is that almost if not all foods contain some quantity of this nutritional element so your best chance is to reduce it effectively.
It is easy to create a healthy low potassium diet. You can readily have a serving of pasta or rice for lunch or dinner. The chicken and turkey meats contain small quantities of potassium and so does the tuna. You can also include eggs in your meal. From the vegetables you can have green peas and cauliflower as well as squash, lettuce, peppers, onions and cucumbers. You can cook any type of vegetables in a large pot of boiling water with only a little bit of salt. Draining them well will reduce the potassium in them. The small apples, grapes and most berries such as the cranberries, blackberries and blueberries are also fine choices. It is of great importance to take small servings of all these foods.
As you can see the low potassium diet is not hard, but even quite nutritional and pleasant to keep. It can provide for the effective relief of the symptoms and for the treatment of hyperkalemia. Making your dietary and cooking plan and starting today will give you the optimal results in a very short time. Take your chance to make your life better now.
Next, visit best heart healthy diet plan [http://www.findahealthydiet.com/] to get started immediately on dieting correctly by using the proper diet plan. Also read our detailed review of fat loss 4 idiots diet [http://www.findahealthydiet.com/fat-loss-4-idiots-review/] to see if their popular diet plan is right for you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3615192