Diabetes in most cases can be halted in its tracks and reversed. The great tragedy is how many people suffer from this disease needlessly every day because they believe they have to 'live with the disease' and don't even know they may not have to.
Diabetes today is in epidemic proportions in the US, Australia, the UK and many other first world countries. Diabetes is not listed as a major cause of death but in fact heart disease is one of the main complications of diabetes. This makes diabetes one of the leading contributors to unnecessary death in modern countries.
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But it need not be this way. Let me explain.
It's an Epidemic
The CDC in the US has called diabetes "an epidemic". The Medical Journal of Australia is calling it "an unstoppable juggernaut". It costs $132 billion (with a 'b') every year in the US alone. In the year 2000, 170 million people suffered from diabetes worldwide and this is expected to double in the next 30 years.
But this is not an infectious disease. How can it be that it is increasing at such an epidemic rate if it's not spread by infection? There must be something that we are doing which is causing this epidemic, right? It can't happen for no reason.
In fact, it happens because people are following recommendations on diet that are completely wrong! This is why it seems an "unstoppable juggernaut". In the very act of trying to do the "right thing", people are causing their disease. And when they get diagnosed, what do they do? They redouble their efforts thinking they aren't trying hard enough and make it even worse. It seems the harder you try, the worse it gets.
Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 Diabetes
There are three types of diabetes, what are commonly known as Type 1 and Type 2 plus what I call Type 3 diabetes. It's important to understand the difference because the cure for them is different. I can't tell you how many times I've seen media reports talking about a 'cure for diabetes' as if it is just one disease. It's not.
Type 1 diabetes - "Juvenile Diabetes"
Type 1 diabetes results when the cells in your pancreas (called your 'beta' or 'islet' cells) get destroyed usually because your immune system has attacked them for reasons that are as yet poorly understood. The islet cells are the ones that make the hormone insulin. Insulin affects fat, muscle and liver tissues (especially) to tell them to take in and store sugar from the blood. In liver and muscle that sugar is stored as glycogen, in your fat cells, it's stored as fat. So without the islet cells producing insulin, the sugar stays in the blood and the person gets muscle wasting and fat loss. In other words, untreated, a person with Type 1 diabetes gets scrawny and left further untreated will die. When I was a student twenty years ago, Type 1 diabetes was still commonly called 'juvenile diabetes' as it is almost always diagnosed in children or young adults - not the elderly.
The treatment is to inject the insulin that should have been made by your islet cells. It's a life-saving treatment.
If you want to donate research into diabetes, donate it to finding a cure for Type 1 diabetes. It is a worthy cause.
Type 2 diabetes - "Maturity-Onset Diabetes"
Type 2 diabetes also results in high blood sugar but for a very different reason. Type 2 diabetes results from too much carbohydrate in the diet continuously over years. When you eat carbohydrates (starch or sugar) they get converted to sugar in your blood. To remove the sugar from your blood, your islet cells make insulin and the sugar goes into your fat, muscle and liver cells for storage. This is normal.
The problem is when you keep eating too many carbs. Your liver and muscles can only store a little so most of this burden goes to your fat cells... that make lots of fat to store the excess sugar in the blood. Of course this makes you fat. If you keep eating too many carbs, your fat cells reach a limit where they say "NO MORE!" and ignore the pleadings of the insulin to take the sugar out of your blood. Your pancreas sees the sugar is not going away and so makes even more insulin. Over time, the fat cells simply become 'unresponsive' to the insulin. What can they do? They are already stuffed full so they just ignore the pleadings of your pancreas.
When I was a student, type 2 diabetes was called "Maturity-Onset Diabetes" because it only affected older people. Now, even 13-year-olds are being diagnosed. Why? Too many carbs - soft drinks and grains.
You can see there is a very big difference here. Type 2 can be completely prevented and even fully reversed in the majority of cases by simply changing diet and doing some exercise. Type 1 cannot although it can be made much more manageable by taking the same steps as for Type 2.
There will never be a 'cure' for Type 2 diabetes any more than there will ever by a cure for stupidity. And I'm not talking just about drugs, there is not and never will be any 'secret herb' that will reverse type 2 while you keep doing what caused it in the first place. It's an appealing idea... but it's a myth.
In the West, 90-95% of all diabetes is Type 2. It can almost always be reversed.
Type 3 Diabetes - "Because 1 + 2 = 3"
Can you see what the 'cure' is already? Of course it is simply to stop eating the excess carbs, let your pancreas relax, and do some exercise. Pretty obvious. But what are most people told to do when they get diagnosed? Eat a low-fat diet based on 'whole grains' - read "high-carb" - and take drugs. These drugs work by giving your islet cells a good whipping so they release even more insulin. This does bring your blood sugar down for a while...
But listen to this. Remember how in Type 2 the fat cells reach their limit where they say "NO MORE" and the pancreas responds by putting out more and more insulin which the fat cells continue to ignore? After a few years of whipping your islet cells with drugs, they can't take it any more and just stop making insulin. No amount of whipping is gonna make that dead horse run any more. And then the person who had Type 2 is now injecting insulin like a person with Type 1. This never happened before the introduction of drugs to treat Type 2. It's Type 2 plus Type 1, or what I call Type 3 diabetes.
The reverse happens too. A person who has Type 1 diabetes is told to eat a low-fat diet based on 'whole grains' and if they are susceptible, they can then go on to develop Type 2 diabetes on top of their Type 1. Wouldn't it make more sense to eat a diet that didn't raise your blood sugar levels in the first place and reduce your need for insulin?
What Can You Do About It?
Type 2 diabetes is caused by eating excess carbohydrates - primarily sugar and starch - and made worse by inactivity. Can it really be that the trick to reverse it is to simply do the opposite - cut the carbs and do some exercise? It may seem too obvious but really, it is as simple as that. The reason people get stuck is because this goes against what everyone has been told is the "right" thing to do for the last 50 years.
The truth? It really is that simple.
If You Eat Low-Fat And Whole-Grain, You Are A Prime Candidate For Diabetes
You see, for the last 50 years the mantra on diet has been to eat low-fat and to eat whole grains. And we are doing it. Statistics show that we now eat significantly less fat and more whole grains than our counterparts from 100 years ago. But we also know that there is vastly more diabetes now than then too. What does that tell you? Eating low-fat and high-grain (whole or otherwise) is most probably the very cause of the diabetes epidemic.
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And that is exactly the same as what we saw above, talking about the islet cells and the fat cells and insulin.
Can You Actually Reverse Diabetes?
Yes. Type 2 diabetes can usually be reversed and it takes typically 2-4 weeks. Type 1 diabetes cannot be reversed but the majority of the complications can be avoided and insulin doses reduced by following the same plan as for Type 2.
Here is the outline of the main steps to doing that:
1. Measure your fasting blood glucose with your own monitor. This way you can know when you've got it right and don't have diabetes anymore!
2. Reduce your carbs. I recommend you do this strictly to start to allow your pancreas to recuperate and your insulin sensitivity to reset. Do this until your fasting glucose is normal - typically 2-4 weeks.
3. Do some exercise. Aerobic, strength - it doesn't matter so long as you do some.
4. Take some vitamins, minerals and herbs to support the healing process.
And that's really about it.
Now that you understand the 4 key steps to halt and reverse diabetes, why not get the details of each step so you can get it right first time? I have worked it all out for you right here: Diabetes Reversal Programs [http://optimalhealthworks.com/?p=1055].
Learn more about Natural Cures and about how to Get Healthy.
Richard Sawyer,
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5217765