If you have been given a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, then treatment most definitely needs to be on your list of things to do. Perhaps the degree of your desire to treat the disease is different to other diabetics, but you still share the same intention nonetheless. Even though many people do not seem to be doing much about their condition, it would be an error to suggest the average person with Type 2 diabetes does not want to treat the disease.
To make progress, which is the point of struggle for most people (and not the lack of desire), you need the right mindset. The right mindset determines your approach to the issue and is a significant factor in your ability to make progress.
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Know what you are dealing with. First things first. You must know what you are dealing with, meaning the full details of the workings of Type 2 diabetes. You need to know it is more than a blood sugar condition that increases your chances of developing other serious health problems as well. It affects your other vital organs - not just your heart. For instance...
- retinopathy is a strong possibility with the continuing presence of high and unstable blood sugar, meaning your eyes will likely be affected in some way.
- neuropathy, too, and its associated problems.
- high blood pressure is another cardiovascular issue that should not be overlooked - primarily because it is known as the silent killer.
Bring all the facts together, and you will be able to understand why people with Type 2 diabetes have a life expectancy 12 to 15 years less than an otherwise healthy individual. If there was ever any doubt, this is another reason you must treat the disease effectively.
Trust your ability. You may not know you can make changes and reduce your blood sugar and keep it within a healthy range once and for all. Considering that...
- serious nutritional changes are involved,
- exercise must become a habit, and
you need to continue with this healthy lifestyle for the long-term. The aim is to put your body into remission and keep it there. It indeed is no easy task, but it is well worth it. But why should it be seen as incredibly challenging? Surely there are more difficult things you have done in your life. Just because it is a different kind of problem does not mean it is beyond your ability to succeed.
It will not happen overnight, but it will happen. It is crucial to believe you can do it, but patience goes hand in hand. Many people with Type 2 diabetes expect quick results. It is possible, sure, but the likelihood is you will take many months of consistent effort to see significant improvement. You are not going to treat diabetes and all of its problems in a matter of weeks when it took years to develop, to begin with.
Ultimately, the right mindset to treat high and unstable blood sugar consists of...
- knowing the necessity of the effort,
- your ability to succeed through discipline and work, and
- the patience to see it all through.
Reversing Type 2 diabetes and staying in remission is not beyond your means.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9958847