Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most popular chronic disorders in the whole world. Almost everywhere you look, there are people who have it. There are three general reasons to explain such: (1) genetic predisposition; (2) usual lifestyle, and; (3) major gastrointestinal infection from surgical procedures with affectation to the pancreas.
Diabetes is a dominant trait therefore non-diabetic people whose family members have it, have a greater susceptibility, a frustrating situation in which they do not have any choice. On the other hand, people who do not have a family history of Diabetes Mellitus should not be abusive and negligent to their health and current body condition.
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There are many cases of Diabetes Mellitus that are not influenced by any genetic history as well. Aside from genetics, accidental damaging of the pancreas during gastric surgical procedures can alter insulin production; as a result, either insulin is resistant and non-reactive to glucose, or no insulin is produced at all. Lifestyle on the other hand, affects insulin in a gradual manner. The most common risk factors under lifestyle are chronic tobacco smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and uncontrolled diet.
Chronic tobacco smoking causes nicotine build-up in the bloodstream while constricting the blood vessels; sedentary lifestyle and obesity causes fats and cholesterol accumulation; and uncontrolled diet specifically excessive intake of sweets could eventually deposit more and more glucose in the blood, until the time comes that pancreas becomes less functional. All of these result to increased blood sugar. What does high blood sugar feel like?
Majority of the people with Diabetes Mellitus usually report frequent numbness and tingling sensations on their extremities. It is also noted that hot flushes and unusual warm feeling are occasionally felt. Extreme weakness is also experienced. There are even female diabetics who fainted and eventually passed out. Upon regaining consciousness, they were able to verbalize a feeling of too much fatigue and heaviness of the body when mobilizing.
Others feel sleepy and confused, even when finally awake, while some report frequent feeling of unnecessary nervousness and panic. Those with diabetic neuropathy find it hard to verbalize and express their feelings but usually flat affect and frequent sweating are noted.
Now that some of the subjective cues of people who have diabetes are shown, those who are still at risk are already provided with basic awareness, and may show involvement by asking, "What foods should I avoid if I am diabetic?"
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Basic recommended diet for people who have Diabetes Mellitus are low sugar intake, since they may have high level of blood sugar. As such, among the list of food that should be avoided by any diabetics are chocolates, cookies, cakes, and other sweet desserts. Considering their welfare, artificial and sugar-free sweeteners are now introduced in the market and are already available for their indulgence.
Noncompliance to this will of course result to a dramatic increase in blood glucose level. Thus, unlikely answering of the question, "What does high blood sugar feel like?" will not be so hard anymore.
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Did you know you can find out even more about diabetes [http://bestdiabetesfacts.com/what-foods-should-i-avoid-if-i-am-diabetic-a-pathologic-basis-in-diet-planning/]? To do so visit [http://bestdiabetesfacts.com/] and see all of our FREE information on diabetes today!
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